48662359: How many major companies were operating textile mills in Lowell, by 1840? He returned in 1813. These young women had experience in weaving and spinning from home manufacturing and worked for cheaper wages than did male employees.”The Lowell system created a new way to control the labor supply. Slater had employed young girls (7-12), who were exploited and often abused…Slater kept tight reins on his labor pool as well, but the young girls were harder to train and control than adult women.”Another source, a book titled The Story of Textiles: A Bird’s Eye View of the History of the Beginning and the Growth of the Industry By Which Mankind is Clothed, points out how exploitative the English system and the Rhode Island system was compared to the Lowell system:“Besides this difference in machinery there was a striking divergence in the method of treating the employees. The conservative Slater clung to his tried-and-true methods of production while Lowell leaped ahead with his modern factory using the machines of mass production. That system was established at a cotton-spinning mill near Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in 1790. The association helped pass laws the limited working hours but the mills simply ignored the new laws.The Lowell system continued to fail when Irish immigrants, who started to flock to Massachusetts in 1846 to escape the famine in Ireland, sought work in the mills. Because these workers tended to be married and have families, they didn’t live in the inexpensive company dormitories and instead lived in tenement housing.This reliance on immigrant workers slowly turned the mills into what they were trying to avoid: a system that exploited the lower classes and made them permanently dependent on the low-paying mill jobs.By the 1850s, the Lowell system was considered a failed experiment and the mills began using more and more immigrant and child labor.Textile manufacturing in New England started to decline in the 1890s when new technological advances made it easier and cheaper to manufacture textiles in the south, where cotton was grown locally, heating costs were cheaper and there were fewer labor unions.The mill’s owners decided not to modernize or update the Massachusetts textile mills and instead invested in building modern textile mills in the south.As a result, by the mid 20th century, all of the New England textile mills, including the Lowell textile mills, had either closed or relocated to the south.To learn more about the industrial revolution, check out my article on the Rebecca Beatrice Brooks is the author and publisher of the History of Massachusetts Blog. 27:08. Single women were chosen because they could be paid less than men, thus increasing corporate profits, and because they could be more easily controlled then men. I urged him to do so, and promised him my co-operation. He and Mr. Patrick T. Jackson, came to me one day on the Boston exchange, and stated that they had determined to establish a Cotton manufactory, that they had purchased in Waltham, (Bemis’ paper mill,) and that they had obtained an act of incorporation, and Mr. Jackson had agreed to give up all other business and take the management of the concern.”During Lowell’s trip to England, he toured the mills and memorized the design of the power looms. The Lowell employees worked six days a week and attended Church services on Sunday.Mills on the Merrimack River, Lowell, Mass, circa 1908Overproduction during the 1830s caused the price of finished cloth to drop.
Many Americans, in fact, saw the European factory system as inherently corrupt and abusive. Mills of the Rhode Island variety expanded as well, and the earlier regional differences faded over time. At Waltham, wages were paid every week or two weeks, and boarding-houses in charge of a matron were provided for the employees, the conditions of which precluded the work of children or mitigated against the employment of whole families.”The Lowell mill girls were also encouraged to educate themselves and pursue intellectual activities. At the time, America was an agricultural society and many Americans were hesitant to work in a factory, according to the book Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution:“Another problem the Waltham [Lowell] System was able to solve was the problem of labor. These mill girls, as they were called, were required to live in company-owned dormitories adjacent to the mill and were expected to adhere to the rather strict moral code of conduct espoused by Lowell. From November to February, breakfast was served before work.In March, breakfast was served at 7:15 am, from April to September it was served at 7am sharp and from September to October it was served at 7:30 am.
In the boardinghouses, the keepers enforced curfews and strict codes of conduct. In response, the mills cut wages and increased work duties, forcing the workers to work harder at a faster pace.New management took over and the mills soon began to change, according to the book The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture:“By the mid-1840s a new generation of mill managers was in charge, and their outlook differed considerably from the founding group. 9 Transforming the Economy 1800-1860. Additionally, since the American population was small, hired labor was expensive. These “daughters of Yankee farmers” had few economic opportunities, and many were enticed by the prospect of monthly cash wages and room and board in a comfortable boardinghouse. The exact hours the employees worked changed per season. They were also called “female operatives.” Female textile workers often described themselves as mill girls, while affirming the virtue of their class and the dignity of their labor. Rebecca is a freelance journalist and history lover who got her start in journalism working for small-town newspapers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire after she graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.A. Within the factory, overseers were responsible for maintaining work discipline and meeting production schedules.
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