Bókun fannst ekki. Líst þér vel á þennan gististað en ert ekki alveg viss? Athugasemdir og annað efni sem felur í sér „hatursorðræðu“, fordóma, hótanir, kynferðislegar athugasemdir, ofbeldi og stuðlun að ólöglegum athöfnum er ekki leyft. You dont share anything with other guests
The hot tub was great they have swings and a lot of space for the kids to run around.
The bungalows fit 1 -3 adults and they have private entrance, kitchenette and WC with shower. There is also a laundry and dryer in another block where u can wash your clothes.“1157820,1147160|2,1152210,1140880,1156970,1165580,1157530,1162390,1162120,1081120,1099630,1152640,1163410|3,1147160,1095870,1145390,1164210,1082980,1163770,1157980,1139800,1166280,1161780,1144830,1157610,1163410,1156530,1117110,1166990,1150360,1082980|5,1161320,1161780|4
Yes, pets are typically allowed, but it's always best to call ahead to confirm.
Gesthus Selfoss hefur tekið á móti gestum Booking.com síðan 19. jan 2011.Staðsett á uppáhaldssvæði ferðalanga á Selfossi. Þú færð tölvupóst um leið og gististaðurinn hefur svarað spurningu þinni. You're in walking distance from everything you might need I definitely recommend this for family's, people with pets or just anyone who needs a place to stay. „Frábært staðsetning, mjög notarlegt að sitja í heita pottinum og horfa á stjörnurnar“„Hef oft gist hér áður og líka það alltaf jafn vel. Gesthús Selfoss is a family firm in the heart of Selfoss. The place is surrounded by high trees that give it privacy and quietness. Great stay!“„Cosy cabins - with everything we needed ..... plus free access to washing machine and driers for the wet says. Hi, It was quiet and I had no problems sleeping.This is perhaps one of the better values for accommodation in Iceland, a very expensive place to visit. Less than 1 mile away . Forðastu blótsyrði eða tilraunir til að koma blótsyrðum til skila með frumlegri stafsetningu á nokkru tungumáli. Ef þú bókar ekki sveigjanlegt verð er mögulegt að þú eigir ekki rétt á endurgreiðslu. Our guests have access to two hot tubs heated with geothermal water, which are open during the summer time.In summer time our breakfast buffet is open from 8:00-10:00 hrs in our service center.There are more places to choose from in the Selfoss area.Which popular attractions are close to Gesthus Selfoss?Nearby attractions include Sundhöll Selfoss (0.5 km), Selfosskirkja (0.8 km), and Bobby Fischer Center (0.6 km).What are some of the property amenities at Gesthus Selfoss?Some of the more popular amenities offered include free wifi, free parking, and a hot tub.What are some restaurants close to Gesthus Selfoss?Conveniently located restaurants include Tryggvaskali Restaurant, Kaffi Krus, and Pylsuvagninn.Yes, it is 0.5 km away from the centre of Selfoss.
Hi It is actually a campsite that has some small cabins that you can rent.
Our half cabin had a double bed with a single bunk above it but it would have been quite crowded for three adults. !“„We own the whole room ourselves and the kitchen is inside. Gesthús Selfoss is a family firm in the heart of Selfoss. Afpöntunar- og fyrirframgreiðsluskilmálar eru breytilegir eftir tegund gististaðarins.
There is also a laundry and dryer in another block where u can wash your clothes.“ There are 189 Remittance / Money Exchange located near Phahon Yothin Road, Khwaeng Sam Sen Nai, Khet Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400.
You're in walking distance from everything you might need I definitely recommend this for family's, people with pets or just anyone who needs a place to stay. - Easy access from No. Booking.com B.V. er staðsett í Amsterdam, Hollandi og nýtur alþjóðlegs fulltingis Öll réttindi áskilin. Hámarksfjöldi barna: 1Hámarksfjöldi fullorðinna: 6. Gesthus Selfoss samþykkir þessi kort og áskilur sér þann rétt til að taka frá upphæð tímabundið af kortinu þínu fyrir komu.
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