(1) A fold in the skin of certain invertebrate animals (mollusks, brachiopods, and barnacles) that encloses the body of the animal completely or in part.In most cases the external skeleton of the animal is secreted by the mantle.
The Earth's mantle is the thickest layer of the planet and accounts for about 84% of the Earth's volume and 67% of its mass. There are differences in the structure of the mantle under the different tectonic zones—for example, under geosynclines and platforms. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.Collectively, the convolutions, corpus callosum, and fornix of the brain.An enveloping layer, as the external body wall lining the shell of many invertebrates, or the external meristematic layers in a stem apex.A lacelike hood or envelope (sack) of refractory material which, when positioned over a flame and heated to incandescence, gives light.The intermediate shell zone of the earth below the crust and above the core (to a depth of 2160 miles or 3480 kilometers).That part of the outer wall and casing of a blast furnace located above the hearth.The back and wing plumage of a bird if distinguished from the rest of the plumage by a uniform color.An (http://www.ibtimes.com/large-rare-diamonds-form-molten-metal-earths-liquid-mantle-deep-underground-2461546) earlier study , from December 2016, looked at fragments of some of the world's largest precious stones (the flakes are produced when rough stones are cut and polished) and based on the minerals trapped in them, concluded that they formed at depths corresponding to the deep The problem is that water in the air gets into the powders used to create "The East Pacific Rise is stable because the flow arising from the deep Neoplastic follicles are closely packed with attenuation or loss of their
Mickey Mantle, professional baseball player for the New York Yankees (1951–68), who was a powerful switch-hitter and who hit 536 home runs.
The distribution speed of seismic waves (used as an oblique means of studying the internal structure of the earth), upon crossing from the crust to the mantle, increases abruptly from about 7 to 8 km per sec. The upper mantle, which is rich in the olivine, pyroxene, and silicate perovskite minerals, shows… The lower mantles temperature has a max of about 4,000 °C (7,000 °F). The lower mantle, historically mesosphere, represents approximately 56% of the Earth's total volume, and is the region from 660 to 2900 km below the Earth's surface; between the transition zone and the outer core. In the mantle cavity are the respiratory organs (gills) and certain sense organs.
The base of the mantle is believed to lie at a depth of 900 km (where the mantle is divided into upper and lower parts) or at a depth of 400 km (where it is divided into upper, middle, and lower parts). Subsequently, the epidermis and primary cortex differentiate from the mantle, and the axis cylinder differentiates from the corpus.All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Question: "What is a mantle in the Bible?"
This transition area is called the Mohorovic̆ić discontinuity, or Moho. A mantle is a layer inside a planetary body bounded below by a core and above by a crust.Mantles are made of rock or ices, and are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body.Mantles are characteristic of planetary bodies that have undergone differentiation by density.All terrestrial planets (including Earth), a number of asteroids, and some planetary moons have mantles.
He helped the Yankees win seven World Series (1951–53, 1956, 1958, 1961–62).
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