By continuing you agree to the Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. How much we like or dislike something determines our behavior towards that thing.We tend to approach, seek out or be associated with things we like; we avoid, shun or reject things we do not like.Attitude is the manner, disposition, feeling and position with regard to a person or thing, tendency or orientation especially in the mind.According to Gordon Allport, “An attitude is a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related.”Frank Freeman said, “An attitude is a dispositional readiness to respond to certain institutions, persons or objects in a consistent manner which has been learned and has become one’s typical mode of response.”Thurstone said, “An attitude denotes the sum total of man’s inclinations and feelings, prejudice or bias, preconceived notions, ideas, fears, threats, and other any specific topic.”Anastasi defined attitude as, “A tendency to react favorably or unfavorably towards a designated class of stimuli, such as a national or racial group, a custom or an institution.”According to N.L. This technique, called the split-halves method, is generally accepted as being as good as administering the different forms to the same sample at different time points. If their attitude regarding the change of plan cannot be changed, the organization will not be successful.Attitude can be changed if we differentiate negative attitude from a positive attitude.A positive attitude can bring positive change in life, It is difficult to change attitudes but with some effort, it can be done.The individual from a culturally deprived environment who holds an array of hostile attitudes may change often he is given opportunities for education.A person from a privileged subculture, who has always held to a democratic attitude, may become negative towards some group because of one unfortunate experience.Well established attitudes tend to be resistant to change, but others may be more amenable to change.Taking this a step further, we can assemble some ideas of how these three components can impact the workplace.The challenge in the workplace is that now these components are tied to work functions, policy, procedures and organizational structure, as well as the people and individuals present in the organization.For example, we could have thoughts or beliefs (cognitive) about managers in general, and those thoughts or beliefs could manifest themselves is not trusting a manager (effective), and thus we would never want to develop a close relationship with a manager (behavioral).It is important to make the point here that these are attitudes – and yes, they can be wrong.
Students’ success in mathematics depends upon attitude towards mathematics. It is far tidier to have a single set of aims for all, a single curriculum for all, a single set of standards for all, and a single array of tests for all than to have locally developed approaches to school improvement.beginning to encounter students expressing doubts about the genuineness of their school’s interest in their progress and well-being as persons, as distinct from their contributions to their school’s league table position. It indicates the manner in which something functions or operates.Finally, we can say that attitudes are evaluative statement favorable or unfavorable related to the person, object or events.Although there are some differences regarding attitudes, based on the opinions of the above, it can be concluded that the attitude is a state in which man moves to act or do anything in response to a situation or condition of the objects in the surrounding environment.Actually, it is a statement toward something, or someone exhibited in one’s beliefs, feelings, or intended behavior. A number of studies have examined the use of peer-based techniques to effectively impact drinking behaviors and consequences. The instructor counted the number of entries per student and the length of their entries as estimates of their level of participation. The major conceptual difficulty in establishing test–retest reliability is in determining how much time is permissible between the first and second administration. The peer dynamic and its effect on many facets of adolescents' development have a long research tradition.
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