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The Basque national groups were seeking their highest political objective of independence from Spain and France, and re-established the identity of a Basque nation.
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"In the face of this situation, it's necessary that the Basques take to the streets, as we're doing today, and build a popular, democratic wall that allows us to confront this situation," he said.While several separatist political parties attended Saturday's rally, the Basque Nationalist Party, which rules the autonomous region, refused to officially take part.Puigdemont has urged all pro-independence political parties in Catalonia The president has said he would consider running in the election, even if he has to campaign for his center-right separatist Catalan European Democratic Party from afar.As the world watched, Catalonia's parliament voted 70 to 10 for the region to declare its independence from Spain. The increased freedoms and home rule, however, did not satisfy the more militant separatists, such as the hard-line “military” wing of the Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna (
The Basque and Catalan cultures promulgate identities that threaten the unity of the Spanish nation. The Basque militant group ETA, which had conducted a four-decade campaign of violence and terrorism for the creation of an independent Basque state (the Basque region straddles the Spanish-French border), apologized to the victims of its violence.Over 800 people were killed by ETA during the conflict which officially ended in 2011.
Many who supported continued unity with Spain refused to vote in the October 1 referendum.The pro-independence crowds outside the Catalan parliament immediately rejoiced after hearing the independence declaration. Many people were draped in the "Estelada" flag associated with Catalan independence. Juan Miguel Goiburu manages a sleek new tourist hotel in the verdant hills of northern Spain. Basques on both sides of the border.
Spain said the poll was illegal and stressed the low voter turnout of 43 percent. But civil society dynamics are strong in the French Basque country, where sectoral demands – for instance on language, agricultural policy, economic development or academia – have coalesced into wider aspirations for French Basque territorial recognition.
Independence has divided Catalonia. Some reportedly called for the Spanish flag to be removed from the Catalan government palace as regional lawmakers arrived from the parliament. The measure will allow the central government to suspend Catalonia's autonomy. The Basque Country region has its own separatist movement, which for decades turned bloody.Protests against Madrid's handling of the Catalan crisis spread to another Spanish region on Saturday, as the streets of the northern city of Bilbao in the Basque Country were awash with protesters waving umbrellas.According to the regional paper Naiz, some 44,000 people took part in the rally, which was called by several Basque Country pro-independence groups, the ultraleft party Podemos' regional branch and several labor unions.The Basque region has, until recently, seen decades of violence by the paramilitary group ETA which left some 850 people dead.
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Dozens of opposition lawmakers from the Socialist Party, Citizens Party and Popular Party had walked out of the parliament chamber to boycott the vote.Within an hour of the Catalan vote, the Spanish Senate in Madrid passed a bill to trigger Article 155 of the Spanish constitution. The armed struggle of the Basque separatist organisation ETA has cost over 800 lives. The Basques’ ethnic solidarity and their position astride the Franco-Spanish frontier also made smuggling one of their traditional occupations.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he would sack Catalonia’s government and set new regional elections for December 21.European leaders were quick to condemn the independence declaration. It was the Basques, not the Moors, as the After the death of Franco and especially after the establishment of the liberal Spanish monarchy in 1975, the Basques engaged in vigorous demonstrations for local autonomy, which the Spanish government granted in some measure in 1978–79.
Both cultures have their own native languages and histories, dating back to long before the birth of modern Spain; both are prosperous industrial and commercial peoples that boast vibrant metropolises (Bilbao and San Sebastián in the Basque country, Barcelona in Catalonia); both have had … The World’s conflicts The Basque region The Basque region’s bloody history the struggle for an independent basque region has been going…
It subsequently threatened to suspend the region's autonomy if Catalan leaders did not stop their drive for independence.Many had expected tensions to ease on October 26 when Catalan President Carles Puigdemont was expected to call snap elections to bow to a key Spanish government demand. Basques played a leading part in the colonization of the New World, sailing with the conquistadors and being among the first to exploit the whaling grounds of the Bay of Biscay and the cod fisheries off Newfoundland.
EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the Union "doesn't need any more cracks," while EU Council President Donald Tusk said Madrid "remains our only interlocutor." "Barcelona and Madrid had been in a standoff since 93 percent of voters opted for Catalan independence in an October 1 referendum marred by police violence. "Our legitimate parliament has taken a very important step. Violence grew between those with opposing ideas.
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