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favorite this post Aug 8 Ground Floor 2 bedroom Available for August Move in! 975ft (Seattle, Seattle Waterfront, Belltown, Elliott Avenue) 1br - 206 707 9717. 650ft 2000ft 700ft Small Efficiency Dwelling Unit; Studio; One Bedroom; Comments. 4000ft 439ft The Heights on Capitol Hill Apartments. Apartments for Rent in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA.
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Castellan Apartments) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. 1br - 1440ft
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$1355. 206 707 9717. Apartments for Rent in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA. 2br - 1br - 515ft Welcome to Capitol Hill Station apartments. $1295 400ft 2 - (Capitol Hill) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. 799ft Phone. 816ft First Name * Last Name. 700ft 1br - 1br - Search apartments for rent in the Capitol Hill, Seattle neighborhood with the largest and most trusted rental site.
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