Community Development Director. Call to Order and Roll Call ..... 6:00 p.m. 2. Email . Phone: 515-278-3935. Planning Codes. Our staff provides direct support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, the Board of Appeals. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION City Council Chambers Urbandale City Hall, 3600 86th Street Urbandale, IA 50322 April 27, 2020 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated protocols, the April 27, 2020 meeting of the Urbandale Planning & Zoning Commission is being held electronically. The Department of Community Development is comprised of the planning and zoning services and building services. Our staff provides direct support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, the Board of Appeals. Adopts and reviews the City's Comprehensive Plan, … Tue, Aug 18 Read On; Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting . Staff assistance is encouraged because terminology and phrasing and their application under these Codes and Ordinances must be understood and there may be Conditions of Rezoning, easements, covenants, or other ordinances that must be considered. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Steve Franklin.
It may be appropriate to set up an appointment for a pre-application conference to discuss large or complex projects.- Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Email . Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Contact. Members are appointed by the Mayor, approved by the City Council and serve 5-year terms. Approve Minutes from October 18, 2016 meeting ..... 6:02 p.m. 3. Investment decisions that are based on a misunderstanding may not be easily resolved and accordingly can be very expensive. Mon, Aug 17 Read On; City Council Lunch and Learn Worksession. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION City Council Chambers Urbandale City Hall, 3600 86th Street Urbandale, IA 50322 July 6, 2020 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated protocols, this meeting of the Urbandale Planning & Zoning Commission is being held electronically. … Community Development (Building Services) Email Building Services. The City of Urbandale will still provide public access via a WebEx virtual meeting application. Email . The City of Urbandale will still provide public access via a WebEx virtual meeting application. Kristi Bales.
City of Urbandale 3600 86th Street Urbandale, IA 50322 Phone: 515-278-3900 Fax: 515-331-6755 Quick Links. CITY OF URBANDALE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION City Council Chambers Urbandale City Hall, 3600 86th Street Urbandale, IA 50322 October 31, 2016 1. Roger Schemmel. Physical Address 3600 86th Street Urbandale, IA 50322. Areas of Focus. The Planning and Zoning Commission consists of 9 members who must be residents of Urbandale. Wed, Aug 19 Read On; City Council Regular Meeting. Community Development Manager/Chief Planner. Contact Us. Developers file residential and commercial plans with the Department, which are reviewed for conformance with various codes and ordinances including but not limited to the Building Code, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Code and Sign Ordinance. Tue, Aug 25 Read On; View All Events /Calendar.aspx. Building Official. The Department of Community Development is comprised of the planning and zoning services and building services.
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