Sparkpaw asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. Juniperpaw chimed in. snarled Dovewing, not looking back over her shoulder. Bramblestar blinked at her affectionately. "Come back!" Did you see what he and his so-called 'clanmates' did? Sorrelpaw is already eager to join him!" Bumblestripe annoys Dovewing and pulls her down. But not anymore." Blackstar replied.
Deliberately choosing their father, she knows that her kits can't live a lie their entire lives. Now, onto the grammar review!☆ bumblestripes zodiac; “aries, taurus and gemini” to “aries, taurus, and gemini”☆bumblestripes zodiac; the last sentence is a run on sentence, so I would add a “.” (Period) after “traits of a gemini” and then say “In which this makes me sure that he is a gemini.”☆dovewings zodiac; change “as well, was” to “as well was”☆dovewings zodiac; “ignorant and reliant” to “ignorant, and reliant”☆compatibility; “sharing compatibility” to “Sharing compatibility”☆what does this mean; “they would be” to “would be”☆conclusion; capitalize all the first letters of the first word in a sentence^^☆ I hope that has helped you improve! "How could I forget?"
Please don't hurt him! "Don't sound too happy about what?" They soon faded away into warm eyes. "And we can hunt an fight like warriors do!" Her belly was barely swollen; it seems flat and evened out as of now. Answer me!!"
The two cats got into a slight and swift tussle when there came a small, puny squeek behind Dovewing.
she snapped. "Now that Snowbush is a warrior, he and his littermates would have to sit vigil tonight. "Now come, I think we should start it now."
She longed for the dark tabby warrior every night now; the thought of Tigerheart had refreshed back in her memory, ever since the badger attack and their reencounter. Let me know what you think in the comments, I will appreciate it very much.
""I'm just looking out for you," meowed Ivypool, her eyes heavy with suspicion.
Squirrelflight appeared beside them, an amused expression on her face. i’m excited to see it finished and out as soon as possible!
"They aren't evil," she told him. "Tigerheart- don't do this! Alderpaw gave his chest an embarrassed lick, and Dandelionkit shot him an encouraging smile. "Twolegplace is dangerous." "I just… uh… don't feel as content with my bedding as I used to. Bumblestripe agreed. Dovewing's Love - A Warrior Cat fanfiction Fanfiction. More to this story soon!Squirrelflight and Bramblestar has had FOUR kits. "Don't you dare think she will be anything else other than that! She answered, pouncing on a dead, frost-bitten leaf. We don't want apprentices mixing with kittypets."
Yes, I am your father."
"Twolegs will ignore you if you stay out of their business, same for the rogues.
"You're next," Dandelionkit meowed to an orange tabby kit who was watching with her eyes sparkling with laughter.
Dovewing tried to breathe, but she was suffocating, and quick. She leaned down to pick it up with her teeth.
He sounded really concerned.
I feel like whitewings favorite kit would be dovewing because.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Molewhisker, you will be his mentor. A quarter moon ago, Dovewing tried to get out in the forest just to walk, be with the one she loved, and did what she did best:hunt.
"Look, just get over it, okay?"
A voice distracted her from behind. Apprentice, Sparkpaw(orange tabby she-cat) Molewhisker—brown-and-cream tom
"They're stories for kits. Alderkit, Sparkkit, Juniperkit and Dandelionkit: but Dandelionkit has a prophecy from StarClan hanging over her head, and if she doesn't complete her destiny, the whole of the lake Clans could be doomed.
Sparkkit, come here please."
this is because he exhibits the personality traits of one, with his loud and boisterous personality, and with his social butterfly tendencies. Hi Echostream136 here!
She wondered what life would be like if Bumblestripe knew about her kits. Her eyes then clouded with worry. Dovewing watched as Amberpaw became Ambermoon and Snowpaw became Snowbush.The stone hollow filled with the names of the newly made warriors.
Alderpaw padded over to join his mentor, and solemnly, Molewhisker bent down to touch noses with his apprentice."Alderpaw! "Listen Dovewing- I had never stopped loving you.
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