Some employers view Facebook as a means to snoop on employees. Reasonable policies do include the right of employers to restrict use of company equipment and spending company time on non-work activities. As a matter of fact, numerous employees have been terminated as a result of something posted on the social media website. Stating your opinion on working conditions is a protected activity. Think twice before going on a Facebook to rant about your religious and political convictions. If you don't want your employer to read it, don't access it on a company computer.When job searching, it's important to consider what details you are putting on your Facebook page. When an employee is fired for posting on Facebook or another online site, they have the right to access the Her dossier includes JaZaMM WebDesigns, assistant high-school band director, district manager for the Clarion Ledger and event coordinator for the Vicksburg Convention Center. Employees need to be careful about what they post. If you're job searching or concerned about your boss or co-workers seeing your posts, check your privacy settings carefully—both the general settings and the settings for each of your posts. When Facebook first launched in 2004, it was a website used mostly by teenagers who wanted to stay connected with friends. You can still be terminated, even if you were right, if you violate a lawful company policy, the law itself, or if your speech isn't otherwise protected activity. This policy often indicates that an employer has a right to monitor all activity that transpires on company computers. Employers should review their social media policy to be sure they aren't limiting protected employee speech and to be sure employers are reasonable. Custom search for Facebook: Search by mutual friends, location, school, gender, sexual orientation, and who's commented on a post. Employers should think twice before terminating an employee for posting information online to be sure they are in compliance with the law. You should also be careful when posting pictures. As time progressed, millions of people, including businesses and employers, also jumped on the social media bandwagon. As a matter of fact, numerous employees have been terminated as a result of something posted on the social media website. For this reason, be mindful of the posts you make on Facebook, especially during your journey to find employment.To protect yourself, there are certain things you should refrain from posting on your Facebook profile. Potential employers are responsible for investigating each candidate to ensure he is a good fit for the position. Privacy is an issue on Facebook, in general, but it's even more of an issue when you're job searching. One thing you can do is adjust your Facebook privacy settings. This includes comments and gripes about your employer or co-workers. Libel or slander or posting comments about individuals that are not related to your work environment are not protected. Sign up for Facebook English (UK) Español Français (France) 中文(简体) العربية Português (Brasil) 한국어 Italiano Deutsch ह न द 日本語 … Fortunately, Indeed is here to help: Let’s talk about Featured Employer. You never know when an employer may set up a fake profile just to spy on you. For this reason, think twice before accepting a friend request from anyone you don't personally know, including nosy or snooping co-workers.Faizah Imani, an educator, minister and published author, has worked with clients such as Harrison House Author, Thomas Weeks III, Candle Of Prayer Company and "Truth & Church Magazine."
If your employer has an electronic monitoring policy, it's also possible for him to read your Facebook profile when it is accessed from a company computer, including break room computers. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. The sad thing is that you can be denied a job based off information on your Facebook profile and you would never know it. Create an account or log into Facebook. If you're not careful, everything you post on Facebook can be seen by your current employer or a prospective employer. Find people and events on Facebook Facebook (FB) is known for its employee friendly work environment. If you don't want your social media profile to come back to haunt you, there are things you should do to protect yourself.At the time of publication, there are no laws in place that prevent employers from checking out your Facebook profile. There is always the chance that an employer may see your post. Employees can't just post anything they want on Facebook or anywhere else. There are ways to protect yourself. While some employers limit investigative measures to criminal background checks, credit checks and verifying your educational and employment background, other employers use social media to investigate you. By adjusting your privacy settings, you control who has the ability to view your postings.
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