Thus they are very difficult to step on and their splashing fins often give them away as being present (and often gets them mistaken for sharks! Because of where they swim and hang-out you'd have to work pretty hard to get a cownose ray to sting you.The spines of cownose rays are made up of vasodentin, a cartelagenous (cart-a-lag-uh-nous) substance and covered by a layer of skin called the integumentary sheath (the bit that carries the venom). I make fajitas with it, marinade the ray (skinned and cut in strips) in vegetable oil, lime juice and cumin and saute it with onions, jalapenos and red and green bell peppers. Don't just kill them, a Cownose ray is good eating! ).The tail of a cownose ray is roundish and about twice as long as its body from vent to tip.
Most stings occur because of rough handling of the ray or being caught and trapped. Rays can have one or two spines, but in cownose rays it's just one. The Brazilian cownose ray ... And when you think about it, the ‘kill the rays’ reaction to Myers paper makes no sense: the overwhelming response to a paper about how overfishing elasmobranchs can have negative consequences was to heavily fish an elasmobranch without any regard for the consequences.
Cownose rays have venom glands. This feeding behavior keeps them well away from where people walk, because they are at the top or middle of the water column, not on the bottom or buried in sand like other rays. Treat it like flank steak and use a spicy marinade or sauce. Cownose rays have poisonous stingers, however, since they are shy and generally swim at the surface, they pose a minimal risk to humans stepping on their spine. They are wild animals that just want to be left alone, and like any wild animal they will use their defenses if provoked or captured, but they'd prefer not to.I hope this gives you a more complete picture of cownose rays and answers the question, "can a cownose ray hurt me?" Advanced features of this website require that you enable JavaScript in your browser.
Thank you! They suck water and sediment through their gills and sweep the sediment behind them as they flap their fins.
They will not chase or attack you. They were just at the surface of the water, splishing and splashing their wings, while diving back down to blow and suck water to expose tasty clams.
The cownose ray's kite-shaped body has a wingspan of up to three feet and can weigh as much as 50 pounds. Although they are graceful swimmers in our shallow waters, these rays do pose two problems: A wader can accidentally corner or step on the creature and get a nasty wound from its stinger. This helps "dig out" a depression where their prey is located.
Their spine is close to the body and is located at the base of the dorsal fins.
This location is much harder to step on or accidentally brush against than the tails of other species that have spines farther down. It varies in color from brown to olive green with a whitish belly and a long, brown tail that looks like a whip. An interesting fact about these fish is that stingrays have live births while skates lay eggs. Break out your filet knife, seafood breader, and hot oil as for other fish.
Soon, we found ourselves in the middle of a nice school of cownose rays. The venom is secreted through epithelial (skin) cells that secrete mucus. While the sting is not usually fatal, it can be fatal if stung in the abdomen. Tragically, cruel killing contests happen at this same time. You have nothing to fear if you give them respect and distance. The venom is quite painful, and can be debilitating, but stings are rare. To obtain their favorite, clams and other deep burrowing organisms, they use electrical reception (like sharks), locate small electrical impulses from their prey's heartbeat (yes, clams have heartbeats) and the use their pectoral fins to stir up sediment. Its squared, indented snout resembles a cow’s nose. They have flat molar like teeth in two plates on the top and bottom of their mouth. Non-aggressive species of little danger to humans with the exception of their defensive venomous barb located near the base of the tail. To learn about park offerings and overnight accommodations, email
Now for some people this might be a terrifying sight, and at least one of our paddlers didn't find the "magic" in it that I did (though here's a video of what one looks like, imagine this magnified by about 50 rays).After posting on social media I discovered a general fear of the gentle cownose rays that I didn't realize existed, specifically many people wanted to know, "can a cownose ray sting and hurt you?"
Participants head out in boats on the Bay to kill rays for prizes and entertainment — many of the rays killed are pregnant. They are hard to disturb and difficult to step on because of where they live in the water column.
They are also very abundant. The urban legend around here is that some less reputable restaurants served plugs of ray meat as bay scallops. The truth is the "wings" can be skinned, cut from the cartilage, and prepared in a variety of ways. It is about 2-4" long, resting along the thickened base of the tail. Recently I had the good fortune to be paddling just past dinner time, in the cool twilight of sunset with some friends.
Common stingrays off of our coast are roughtail stingrays, bluntnose stingrays, bullnose rays, cownose rays, and spiny butterfly rays. The spine tips can break off, which can lead to infection if they do sting you or inject you, but they aren't like bees and don't leave stingers behind on purpose. Yes, they have barbs and venom, but no they don't want to hurt you and won't do it on purpose if you give them respect and distance.
Each barb has small teeth around the edges which can be used in identifying cownose rays and differentiating them from other species.
To answer this questions I've prepare five basic facts for you.There are several subspecies of cownose rays, but the most common here in the Chesapeake Bay, and in the Atlantic, is called Cownose rays feed on thin shelled clams, snails, crustaceans, crabs, and even small fish.
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