Cowen says that "some version of Texas — and then some — is the future for a lot of us" and advises, "Get ready. So, the best thing that those who support a robust, non-plutocratic society can do is focus on patiently informing and activating that majority. Which is why trying to smoosh European-style social democracy into American politics is the square peg into a round hole. The plan was (and is) to act on so many ostensibly separate fronts at once that those outside the cause would not realize the revolution underway until it was too late to undo it. Government’s only role, Buchanan and his followers believe, “is to ensure the rule of law, guarantee social order, and provide for the national defense.”James McGill Buchanan (1919-2013) was a Nobel Prize-winning economist (1986) and well beloved by the infamous Charles Koch of the infamous Koch Brothers Gang. Union leaders have fiduciary responsibilities that make bold action risky. The Institute for Humane Studies? Amid that debate, the libertarian Cato Institute, funded by the brothers Charles and David Koch, made privatization of Social Security its top priority and turned to Buchanan for a master plan. Another is that Buchanan did not seek the limelight like Friedman, so few on the left have even heard of him.
Buchanan ended up at the infamous George Mason University:, it is notable for hosting over 40 libertarian research centers and affiliates including the, who has funded the Institute since the late 1960s.The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America, Nancy McLean, 2017, Penguin.And, Jesus Christ, you who preached about feeding the hungry, healing the sick, housing the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting those who are in prison … I came across him when researching the State of Virginia’s fight against the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. It’s through the generosity of our supporters that we’re able to share with you all the underreported news you need to know. And reminding all Americans that democracy is not something you can just assume will survive: It has to be fought for time and again. Independent journalism is increasingly imperiled; ads alone can’t pay our bills. And Cowen didn't stop there. Buchanan is the advanced course, as it were, for the already committed. And the first treatise on how the “godless liberals” were conspiring to undo this beautiful state of affairs was published in 1797. Today’s the day. Duke Historian Nancy Maclean's Wacky Conspiracy Theory The Koch-Trump feud is just part of the conspiracy to amend the Constitution in talk show host Mark Levin's image. Sign the petition: Revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status While some will flourish, he admits, "others will fall by the wayside." One is that the Koch cause does not advertise his work, preferring to tout the sunnier primers of Hayek, Friedman and even Ayn Rand when recruiting. Sign the petition: Dr. Fauci is saving lives. It's thus a mistake to imagine that the Koch and so-called alt-right causes are wholly separate; there's a kind of mutual reinforcement if you understand what Koch learned from Buchanan and how they operated.As I conclude in the book, as bright as some of the libertarian economists were, their ideas gained the following they did in the South because, in their essence, their stands were so familiar. We tell ourselves, "Well, if it were that serious, surely others would be doing something about it." For example, Cowen prophesies lower-income parts of America "recreating a Mexico-like or Brazil-like environment" complete with "favelas" like those in Rio de Janeiro. And we’re proud to say that we’ve been bringing you the real, unfiltered news for 20 years—longer than any other progressive news site on the Internet. Trump must not fire him. America wasn’t made for everyone, it was made for the Koch brothers and James Buchanan. But after several failures, Koch came to realize that if the majority of Americans ever truly understood the full implications of his vision of the good society and were let in on what was in store for them, they would never support it. Since "worthy individuals" will manage to climb their way out of poverty, "that will make it easier to ignore those who are left behind." Progressive news is under siege, as tech titans like Facebook and Google show less and less of our content in the News Feed and Google search.Alternet brings you the best the progressive Web has to offer, along with breaking news you won’t find anywhere else.Your support goes a long way. (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. His tone is matter-of-fact, as though he is reporting the inevitable. Buchanan arrived in Virginia just as Calhoun's ideas were being excavated to stop the implementation of And from that kind of thought, Buchanan offered strategic advice to corporations on how to fight the kind of reforms and taxation that came with more inclusive democracy. I myself learned of him only by serendipity, in a footnote about the Virginia schools fight.His importance to the right wing could only be identified by working through the archival sources that provide context for his published work. Then join the hundreds of readers who have supported AlterNet this year. In the 1990s, for example, as Koch was getting more involved at George Mason, Buchanan convened corporate and rightwing leaders to teach them how to use what he called the "spectrum of secession" to undercut hard-won reforms through measures that have now become core to Republican practice: decentralization, devolution, federalism, privatization, and deregulation.
To "compensate," this chaired professor in the nation's second-wealthiest county advises, "people who have had their government benefits cut or pared back" should pack up and move to lower-cost, poor public service states like Texas.Indeed, Cowen forecasts, "the United States as a whole will end up looking more like Texas." But while the... Every reader contribution, whatever the amount, makes a tremendous difference.
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