Kenshi - Free Demo Available HereA free-roaming squad based RPG focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story. And yeah, "Prioritize gameplay instead of graphics" is definetely right way to move =) We can play even rougelike, who cares about graphics =) - Techradar, The best steam games 2020 "An emergent gameplay goldmine." Don't get me wrong.
All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Kenshi 1 update now uncertain:Here's the kicker: Porting Kenshi 1 to Unreal engine is now way more work than making Kenshi 2, because we have to port assets and make the old stuff work, where for Kenshi 2 we are making the assets from scratch in the Unreal-compatible way. Developing Kenshi from start to finish took over a decade, so can you really blame them for not wanting to start from scratch again? I don't think it would feel like a 2nd iteration unless the kenshi team broadly expanded mechanics and functionality/ more interaction with the world. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Much fun. I think, that you should focus more on kenshi 2. Permissions and credits ... To uninstall reshade program from your steam settings. Great ! Announcing a 2nd game so shortly after the official release of a game feels off.
No prob!
"8/10 - Kenshi has a unique style with anything you accomplish in the game feeling like a true achievement." This is weird, I expected a expansion of some kind and improvements to the base game.
I don't want to repeat what has already been said but that engine is already considered ancient isn't it? I get the devs wanting to save time but this feels like its going to bite them in the ♥♥♥. I'm very happy this was announced (check the updates and announcements subforum if you missed it) but I was a little disappointed to hear it will be the same engine and codebase. great game btw :) Go to the library and find Kenshi game. You should be able to re-use many of the assets for kenshi 2 anyhow Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
The inspiration for this Shader is from a conceptual artwork for Kenshi 2, a concept that I found extremely beautiful and I hope that the developers keep the idea until the end.
Follow these steps: Login to steam account. Besides, the game is probably years off, so they'll have plenty of time to add in features and make modifications to the engine if they want to. These are amazing news! I wouldn't say that the dev team's decision to stick with the same engine was because they wanted to be comfortable. The Kenshi 2 announcement was made without much fanfare, hidden away in the Steam updates and announcements forum (cheers, ResetEra). Keep it up and try not to let the trolls tear you down none. - Cultured Vultures "The world is the game, not just its setting."
If Kenshi 2 becomes epic exclusive, than no buy. It's going to be a lot more outdated When Kenshi 2 is done.
♥♥♥♥, with the amazing stuff you've done so far with Kenshi is saying to me that you guys make the best decisions. Worried that the update will significantly stall work on Kenshi 2, the devs are asking: do you want a brand new game, or a better version of what you’ve got?
Lo-Fi … Staying with the same engine is a huge red flag for me.
All rights reserved. Kenshi 2 sounds more like kenshi 1.5 Engine update creates better performance. Research new equipment and craft new gear. I'm going to buy kenshi 2. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I would say, take the time to make the change in kenshi 1 which would allow you to get better at the engine for kenshi 2 and avoid bottlenecks and other issues.
They, and other Kenshi Players, will be looking for those advanced features in Kenshi 2. :) (I don't care. The developers have put together a comprehensive Steam update detailing why this trade-off could be so severe. © Valve Corporation. Like I said - I'm happy with Kenshi, run only a handful of technical and QoL mods, and am having a lot of fun without my characters being able to hump a goat or conquer the world. Steam Subscriber Agreement.
Dont bother porting it and work on kenshi 2 guys. Much satisfied.)
Focus on Kenshi 2 , Kenshi is already a well developed game and runs well . Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. While porting kenshi over would be cool, if it's actually more effort than making Kenshi 2, I'd rather see Kenshi 2. But pls dont sell your soul to Epic. Literally anything you guys think would be cool to be added in the game, i personally think that an combat system with a lot of moves would be very cool.
With a move to Unreal 4, Lo-Fi promise “amazing graphics” and “better performance” for relatively little effort, with fewer engine … This is most awesome news I've ever read (I'm about kenshi 2 announce). Very excited for the sequel I would say, take the time to make the change in kenshi 1 which would allow you to get better at the engine for kenshi 2 and avoid bottlenecks and other issues. I'm actually kind of confused by the reveal details. Just focus on Kenshi 2, Kenshi 1 is fine as it is and the whole porting thing would probably neuter the modding scene. © Valve Corporation. I'm far from an expert but I kind of doubt that graphics quality is the only thing effected by using an outdated engine. All rights reserved. Expanding the previous lore basically means a new map/ factions.
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