In terms of coordination, humanitarian agencies largely underestimated the magnitude and complexity of the disaster, and consequently did not allocate the proper resources to it, including in affected areas other than the capital.
A number of non-humanitarian actors (including foreign militaries and the private sector) had a critical role to play in rubble removal, and rubble removal was a necessary first step before humanitarian organisations could begin providing transitional shelter. However, relations with the private sector (both local and international) were very limited in western Haiti, at least in the first two months after the earthquake. Coordination meetings at the sub-national level facilitated this process and allowed for a market-style exchange of equipment and health specialists. Researchers found a previously unmapped fault was responsible for the devastating Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti and that the originally blamed fault remains ready to produce a large earthquake.Eric Calais, a Purdue University professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, led the team that was the first on the ground in Haiti after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake, which killed more than 200,000 people and left 1.5 million homeless.The team determined the earthquake's origin is a previously unmapped fault, which they named the Léogâne fault. This was vital for supporting and guiding decision-making in the first weeks. We need to investigate the fault system further to be able to determine where the next earthquakes might occur and how large they could be. Purdue University. Cluster leads should place greater emphasis on ensuring adequate participation of national NGOs and civil-society organisations from the outset, and engage them as equal partners in decision-making and implementation, rather than seeing them merely as implementing partners.The interdependence between the many aspects of the humanitarian response underscored the need for inter-cluster coordination to enable effective information sharing and decision-making on topics that did not clearly fall under any one clusters responsibility.
It is the 11th most populous city in Haiti and the 7th most populous city in the Western Department. From the point of view of western Haiti, several lessons were learned from the response.
The fault is a blind thrust, meaning one side of the fault is being thrust over the other, but the fault does not reach the surface.About 30 kilometers of the fault shifted during the January earthquake, and the sides of the fault moved by as much as five meters relative to each other below the Earth's surface. The earthquake response also highlighted that cluster leads should place greater emphasis on ensuring that cluster partners distribute aid equitably from the outset of an emergency response. The team first reported the risk for a major earthquake there in 2008.This work was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Disaster Risk Management System Development Program of the United Nations Development Program in Haiti. However, the assessment report did not provide data disaggregated by communal section, but only compared the larger Port-au-Prince area with the rest of the country.
ScienceDaily. In addition to its main office in Port-au-Prince, OCHA opened three sub-offices, including one in Leogane on 24 January, 12 days after the earthquake.By the time the Leogane office was established, around ten field hospitals were functioning in the city, and a rapidly growing number of NGOs were distributing relief supplies. "Because this is a blind fault, we don't have some of the clues at the surface, like scars from past ruptures, that show where the fault runs. (2010, October 26). To support the coordination of the relief effort, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) deployed staff specialising in humanitarian affairs, information management, needs assessments, donor relations and reporting. This was not systematically done, at least in the first few months.The Haiti earthquake response is probably one of the most challenging emergencies the humanitarian community has ever faced. In the first two months, cluster leadership in some clusters changed frequently. Haiti earthquake caused by unknown fault; Blamed fault ready to produce large earthquake. ScienceDaily shares links with scholarly publications in the Content on this website is for information only.
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