Happiness is a function of accepting what is. This moment is your life. PritchettThe secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. Marcus Aurelius Most of us are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be. And of course, it will not just happen if we do not put hard work and sacrifice to the life that we want.The fact that we are given a lifetime to celebrate and experience life here on earth, let us spend it as happy as we could. Mary Anne Roadacher-HersheyThe greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness. And guess what they have planned for you? You’ll never get out of it alive. Robert McPhillipsHappiness is always a by-product.
Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. MontgomeryIf you find happiness, people may be jealous. Ricky GervaisDifficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations.The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.Don’t let the silly little things steal your happiness.There is no happiness; there are only moments of happiness.People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness. Dale CarnegieBoredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time…serenity, that nothing is. Joseph CampbellHappiness consists more in conveniences of pleasure that occur everyday than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness. Play with abandon. Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony. Happiness is largely a choice, not a right or entitlement.
All of us is trying to pursuit different things to find happiness.We desire of having a beautiful life with our family. C. JoyBell C.There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do. The more experiments you make the better. Alan Cohen The man is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of life.
UnknownThe best vitamin to be a happy person is B1. Franklin D. RooseveltWe forge the chains we wear in life. Johnny CarsonHappiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.
Finnish proverb Seeking happiness is a straight way to misery. Be happy anyway. Laugh as much as you can.
Maxime LagacéA quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one’s neighbor — such is my idea of happiness. Albert CamusFind a place where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. Naval Ravikant Happiness is not doing fun things. Mignon McLaughlinMan is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. Robert S. LyndTo be happy, you must fancy that everything you have is a gift, and you the chosen, though you worked your tail off for every bit of it.
In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change, lies our happiness and freedom. If you don’t, life controls you. Roy T. BennettThe art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than growing with them.
George SandNobody can be uncheered with a balloon. If we keep it real, then we will be happy.Cynthia Nelms reminds us that each of us is struggling differently. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
Maxime LagacéI contend that not only can you laugh at adversity, but it is essential to do so if you are to deal with setbacks without defeat. In order for us to be happy, we should smile.
Dr. Idel DreimerHappiness is where we find it, but very rarely where we seek it.
Robert Louis StevensonA truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. Charles Dickens Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. More wisdom quotes. We learn so little from peace. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself, and keep moving forward. UnknownSome days I amaze myself. UnknownThere is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. Women sometimes tend to be emotionally irrational when it comes to love and commitment. A smile is a curve in our body that shows a person’s sexiness.All of us is responsible for our own happiness. Joseph AddisonHappiness? If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. Frank TygerThere is more to life than increasing its speed. David Henry HwangHappiness does not lead to gratitude. Unless you understand how your craving mind works, you’ll never rise above it. Logan Pearsall SmithIf you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi desert. As they say, whatever emotions you portray to others, it will automatically be mirrored. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them. We have no scar to show for happiness. Freya StarkIn every part and corner of our life, to lose oneself is to be a gainer; to forget oneself is to be happy. Christian Nestell BoveeWe tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Bhagwan Shree RajneeshWhen neither their property nor their honor is touched, the majority of men live content. The other is to desire less. John RuskinBut what is after all the happiness of mere power? Evangeline LillyWe act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. Winston ChurchillThe best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Forgive everything, you will be happier.
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