The Veritas® Low-Angle Jack Plane is an exceptionally versatile plane. %PDF-1.5
- Abraham Lincoln©2020 Verticalscope Inc. All Rights Reserved. H��W]�۶}h1}�:+,�
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Great craftsmanship with this make, very nice indeed.-- "I am a firm believer in the people. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0. 1 0 obj<>
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- Abraham Lincoln - Great craftsmanship with this make, very nice indeed.-- "I am a firm believer in the people.
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c��6��e+���Om���o�zj��&�~���܂c��zZ�?4k,���k;,9D56� �h��w8h�۵#��X��-�w��\��=d��/{�����cs���ȶ�]"�X�j��9>�}� ��?�j�E1����x�P����˺�[�KklmS������i��J�h����\��U0��u�T���{t��&f���Il��4�]��ܑTL�7B��=ܩY��f 3.00. !Would LOVE some info on that sharpening jig you’re using on the HF belt sander… I have the same belt sander.-- -- Jim, Cumberland,RI -- Life is all the other stuff you do when you're not in the shop. Plans: Make a Low-Angle Jack Plane. You can build one in your own shop with common tools and basic materials. Keep in mind that for a jack plane, I have a good deal of camber- maybe 1/8" or more.I think Derek is spot on in his comments. The tools you make are really outstanding and your videos too! The plane is 15" long, 23/ 4" wide and weighs in at just under 6 lb. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. Its generous mass, low center of gravity, large side wings and radically set-back mouth make this plane more effective than any of its predecessors for shooting miters, working end grain and initial smoothing. The point is to bring them the real facts." I look at low angle plane blades the exact same way. LJ will not be held liable for the actions of any user. Really, really great!-- Jim Jakosh.....Practical Wood Products...........Learn something new every day!! The point is to bring them the real facts."
If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.
But I can't join him in seeing the rationality of low angle jack planes.
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