Research Volunteers. Searching pre 1875 records: If you search a specific date and the date of event is not in the database, the entire year is searched for you. Marriage Records. Requires registation and fee. From 1981 these files include marriage dissolutions. Index includes current and historical sources. Search the library You can search for: Births that occurred at least 100 years ago. Search the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand for Patents. Patents . Stillbirths if registered at least 50 years ago.
They contain useful information such as parents names and occupations. Motor Vehicles. Instagram
It is available at: The microfiche marriages index is the official record provided by the Registrar-General’s office. The New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs provides a searchable database of marriages that occurred at least 80 years ago. Find and search birth records in New Zealand.
However, some Māori events were recorded in the General system.The records are from the combined indexes of both the General and Māori registers.It is important to note the first four digits of the registration refer to the year the event was registered rather than the year of event.As more questions were asked for marriage registration after 1880, those later registrations will contain more details. This CD-ROM, transcribed by genealogists, contains approximately 1.7 million names and helps identify the matching entry to a marriage in the Registrar-General's index of marriages.
About New Zealand, Marriage Index, 1840-1937 This collection contains an index to marriage records from New Zealand for the years 1840–1937. Printouts are available for the following years:Date and place of birth Sex and names of child Name and occupation of father Name and maiden name of mother Signature, description and residence of informant Date of registration Signature of registrar Date and place of birth Sex and names of child, and whether present Name, age, occupation and birthplace of father Name, age, maiden name and birthplace of mother Place and date of parents' marriage Signature, description and residence of informant Signatures of witnesses if the entry is a correction of a former entry When registered, and signature of registrar Name of child, if added or altered after registrationDate and place of birth Sex and first names of child Name, age, occupation and birthplace of father Name, surname and maiden name, age and birthplace of mother Date and place of parents' marriage Previous issue of existing marriage, and whether living or dead Signature, description, and residence of informant Signatures of witnesses if the entry is a correction of a former entry When registered and signature of registrar Name of child, if added or altered after registrationIncludes the same information as records for births 1912 onwards, but also provides the Search the library Facebook The index includes the name of the bride or bridegroom, the marriage year, and a folio number associated with a microfiche index created by the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs. Each result will provide you with a transcript of key details, recorded from the original marriage records: Name. Search for New Zealand Marriages and Civil Unions that occurred more than 80 years ago. © Auckland Council deaths where the person was over 80 years, or died more than 50 years ago. Registration numbers for individuals with the same name can be sequential as index books were scanned to create the records. For more information, please see the section Since the Marriage Registration Act of 1854, marriages in New Zealand have been recorded. Written permission to access records should be sought from the Court Manager where the proceedings took place. Search the New Zealand Personal Property Securities Register by Motor Vehicle Serial Number for New Zealand motorized vehicles.
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