By partnering with ISKCON has lived by its core Gandhian philosophy of Trusteeship. ISKCON Mayapur has five guest houses with varieties of rooms: standard, deluxe, super deluxe, a/c rooms, and dormitories to accommodate the pilgrims and visitors to Mayapur. “Obviously, they had no time to waste. Hotels near ISKCON Chandrodaya Mandir; Near Airports. ft. (560 m2) industrial kitchen. “He would appear in a flash, as if he were on a skateboard, fill the bucket with a few large scoops, and scooter back skillfully through the other kitchen workers,” Manoj recalls.Here many stainless steel vessels, filled with various preparations, are ready to be served to hungry devotees from across India and the world.“You know the food is good when the serving hall is silent,” Manoj says. “Stirring rice is my favourite kitchen activity,” Manoj says. RAJBHOG KITCHEN - SRIDHAM MAYAPUR ===== Hare Krishna Dear devotees, This a video from Sridham Mayapur (Iskcon Mayapur). Biggest Hindu Temple in the world. They have their own kitchens and they are also partnering with the government.We were starving but ISKCON people are giving us daily meals and if we continue to get some food like this, then we do not have to go back to our villages.If you would like to support ISKCON’s COVID-19 Food Relief efforts, please use the below options to donate.© 2020 International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) | Founder-Acharya: HDG A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami PrabhupadaVolunteers serving the lunch to migrant workers in New Delhi183 E-Rickshaws ready for delivering meals in New DelhiRaw grains & vegetable packets for tribal families in AssamISKCON members are daily serving 800 lunch packets to police officials in ThiruvananthapuramShri Muralidhar Rao, National General Secretary of BJPUnion Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari comments on ISKCON Food ReliefUnion Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari comments on ISKCON Food ReliefUnion Minister of State of Home Affairs Shri Kishan Reddy at ISKCON Emergency Kitchen in New Delhi for heeding the call of Chief Minister of Maharashtra to help those who are impacted by the lockdown& providing them a meal a day. The entire process from the procurement of raw materials to distribution is done in partnership with the local government officials and agencies.ISKCON and its affiliate foundations would like to thank the governments, donors, volunteers, and well-wishers for helping us play our part in combating COVID-19.ISKCON’s kitchens in cities, towns and remote villages have together served more than 7 crore meals and food kits to the less-privileged sections of our society amidst the lock down and the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic.Though the offices and industries have resumed, the economic and social impact is severe for many people who still need our support and assistance.While the challenges are enormous, they can be overcome by the collective effort of each one of us and requires your whole-hearted support.Please come forward and donate generously (all donations are tax exempted under 80G).Few photographs of the beneficiaries and the distribution processISKCON members have helped us a lot. “I feel I’ve put in so much work after chopping a few veggies and soaking frozen peas for a one-person dinner,” says Manoj. Most important thing this Govinda restaurant closed sharply at 9 PM. Share. Amidst these challenging times, ISKCON, with the support of its donors and well-wishers, has been striving to feed the low-income families, daily-wage laborers and migrant workers through its temples and affiliate foundations in the country. Distribution Team. Any hardships or long hours are nothing compared to their desire to serve unconditionally.”The News Agency of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Cooking for the villagers of Mayapur, West Bengal. These women didn’t seem remotely phased by the intense heat radiating from their chapati-making stove, and were amused by Manoj’s inability to bear it. The message of ISKCON’s Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada who envisioned that no one within a 10-mile radius of its center should go hungry is even truer in today’s context.The Coronavirus pandemic is serious and social distancing is a necessary component to help limit its spread yet at the same time for millions of people food insecurity is a much more serious issue since they cannot afford to stock up on food supplies.To address this challenge, every day hundreds of monks and volunteers prepare fresh and nutritious meals that are hygienically cooked following all the health regulations as instructed by the state and the central government. It is a large township and houses the original residence of Sri Prabhupad and the temple itself which contains the beautifulCame to Mayapur after almost 10 years!They have a huge temple(largest in the world) under construction which should be up and running in say 5 years. “He didn’t speak much, but looked up and smiled at me every now and then,” says Manoj.This student from ISKCON Mayapur’s gurukula school made many trips to the kitchen to fill his bucket of rice. “This gentleman was fun,” Manoj comments. “As they worked, they chattered away in Bengali, immersed in their service and completely oblvious to my presence,” Manoj says. “Whether they are cooking, worshiping deities, singing kirtan or visiting the temple, its their desire to please the Lord and his devotees that keeps all of them going, no matter how tough the exercise might be.
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