Schließlich geht er selbst in den Schlachthof, kleidet sich mit einer Schlachterschürze, rüstet sich mit diversen Messern aus und begibt sich in den U-Bahnhof. He dispatches his prey wordlessly, and with an unnatural strength. Op Various locations, including the L.A. Metro subway system, were used instead. The Midnight Meat Train (conocida como: El tren de la medianoche ó Masacre en el tren de la muerte en Latinoamérica) es una película estadounidense del 2008, dirigida por Ryuhei Kitamura y protagonizada por Bradley Cooper, Leslie Bibb, Peter Jacobson, Roger Bart, y Brooke Shields. Als er wieder erwacht, hat er ein seltsames Zeichen auf seiner Brust eingeritzt.
The film's original director, Patrick Tatopoulos, originally planned to shoot the film in 2005 in New York City and Montreal. After a brief scuffle with Mahogany, Leon passes out on the train's floor.
After Leon stabs a broken femur through Mahogany's throat, Mahogany grins in his dying throes, saying only, "Welcome!" Jurgis, hung from a meat hook, dies when he is gutted. Leon boards the train as Mahogany has completed his nightly massacre and has cornered Maya. Mahogany, in a battered and bleeding state, returns, barely alive, and engages in a death struggle with Leon, who finishes the job at last by impaling the psychotic butcher's skull on a blade.
He awakes the next morning in a slaughterhouse with strange markings carved into his chest. Directed by Ryûhei Kitamura. Wanneer Leon op onderzoek uitgaat, komt hij erachter dat er de laatste jaren honderden mensen verdwenen zijn tijdens het nemen van de laatste trein. Passing out on the subway floor, he awakes the next morning in a slaughterhouse with strange markings carved into his chest. Emboldened, he heads into the city's subway system at night, where he takes pictures of an impending sexual assault before eventually saving the woman. Leon stößt bei seinen nächtlichen Streifzügen zufällig auf Mahogany und kann bald einen Bezug zwischen dem mysteriösen Mahogany und dem Verschwinden diverser Menschen herstellen.
(The Conductor states that "We protect them and nurture them" in reference to the elders... why do that when you could probably eradicate them instead?, And beyond that - why human flesh? Mahogany, battered and bleeding, returns and fights to the death with Leon. Leon attacks the murderer with a knife, beginning a climactic battle between the photographer and the butcher.
The Midnight Meat Train ist ein Horrorfilm des japanischen Regisseurs Ryūhei Kitamura.Grundlage ist die Novelle Der Mitternachts-Fleischzug von Clive Barker.Es ist die erste Hollywoodproduktion von Kitamura. De machinist van de laatste trein blijkt daarbij op de hoogte te zijn van Mahogany's daden en ook nog eens actief te voorkomen dat iemand hem stopt. Directed by Ryuhei Kitamura Summary Edit. After breaking into the butcher's home, Jurgis is captured, though Maya escapes with timetables that record over 100 years of murders on the subway. Fridge Logic: A few things for this movie. When he is done, he tells Leon that, having killed the butcher, Leon must take his place. Finally, Mahogany is thrown out of the train by Leon, but not long before it hits its final stop. The butcher kills several passengers and hangs their bodies on meat hooks. Emboldened, he heads into the city's subway system at night, where he takes pictures of an impending sexual assault before eventually saving the woman.
A concerned Maya and her friend Jurgis examine Leon's photos of Mahogany, leading them to the killer's apartment. „Runde, gelungene und blutig-brutale Adaption von Clive Barkers Horror-Kurzgeschichte – zwar hier und da etwas holprig, aber spannend aufbereitet und mit einem eindrucksvollen Vinnie Jones als Schlachter-Killer.“
He wears a ring on his finger, adorned with an eight pointed star. The Midnight Meat Train is een Amerikaanse horrorfilm uit 2008 onder regie van Ryûhei Kitamura.Deze baseerde het verhaal op dat uit een gelijknamig kort verhaal van schrijver Clive Barker, dat te vinden is in het eerste deel van zijn Books of Blood-serie.Hoofdrollen worden vertolkt door Bradley Cooper, Leslie Bibb, Vinnie Jones, en Brooke Shields. The train reaches its final stop, a cavernous abandoned station filled with skulls and decomposing bodies.
The Midnight Meat Train [Leigh Cooper]: Decapitated by Vinnie Jones as she tries to crawl away from him on the subway train.
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