In Lidia Morawska’s home city of Brisbane on Australia’s east coast, roadside signs broadcast a simple message: ‘Wash hands, save lives.’ She has no problem with that: “Hand washing is always a good measure,” says the aerosol scientist, who works at the Queensland University of Technology.
and JavaScript.In Lidia Morawska’s home city of Brisbane on Australia’s east coast, roadside signs broadcast a simple message: ‘Wash hands, save lives’.
But last week, she questioned the qualifications of those driving the debate.
A study published in May used laser-light scattering to detect droplets emitted by healthy volunteers when speaking. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed a clash … Investigators concluded that the virus could have spread in aerosols produced by singing, and a ‘super-emitter’ who produced more aerosol particles than is typical, although they couldn’t rule out transmission through objects or large dropletsBut Morawska has modelled the conditions in the rehearsal hall, and says there is no need to invoke the idea of a superspreaderIn another case, researchers used a tracer gas to show that aerosols carried on currents from an air-conditioning unit in a restaurant in Guangzhou, China, were to blame for an outbreak affecting ten diners from three separate families.
Smriti Mallapaty
“Why don’t we ask ourselves … why are these theories coming mainly from engineers, aerobiologists, and so on, whereas the majority of the clinical, infectious-disease, epidemiology, public-health, and infection-prevention and control people do not think exactly the same? And the list of people who joined the commentary reveals 40 physicians, virologists and infectious-disease epidemiologists, along with at least 20 aerosol scientists who work directly on transmission of infectious agents.During the 7 July press conference, Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, said about the commentary; “Many of the signatories are engineers, which is a wonderful area of expertise, which adds to growing knowledge about the importance of ventilation.”Governments have started to move on their own to combat airborne transmission.
When researchers created aerosols of the new coronavirus, they remained infectious for at least 16 hours, and had greater infectivity than aerosols of the coronaviruses SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, which cause severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome, respectively.Outside the lab, it is much more of a challenge to detect aerosols and show that they can transmit the virus. WHO struggles with its stance as mounting evidence suggests coronavirus is airborne . When the news media reported large numbers of people falling ill following indoor gatherings, that caused Kim Prather, an aerosol scientist at the University of California, San Diego, to begin questioning the adequacy of the social-distancing recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which call for people to stay 6 feet (1.8 metres) apart. This study suggests that indoor environments might be especially risky, because they lack ultraviolet light and because the virus can become more concentrated than it would in outdoor spaces.Researchers say that one big unknown remains: how many virus particles are needed to trigger an infection? She says that although the WHO acknowledges that airborne transmission is plausible, current evidence falls short of proving the case.
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It will “continue to examine everything that is emerging”, says Allegranzi. 2020 Jul;93(1):60.e1-60.e7.
Smaller, lighter aerosols can linger and accumulate in the air and travel long distances on air currents. These bigger droplets, more than 5 micrometres in diameter, drop out of the air quickly because they are too heavy to ride on light air currents.But more-sensitive experiments are now painting a more complex picture that points to the importance of aerosols as a transmission route. “The lipid envelope will shear, and then we try and culture those viruses and get very, very low recovery,” he says.A few studies, however, have successfully measured the viability of aerosol-borne virus particles.
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