I thought I'd give you the heads up.You can take out Sunny Day if you have a Drought Ninetales.
Solarbeam is 120 base att and 1 turn in sun which provides some coveragedoes any one have a ninetails or vulpix with drought they could trade to me?DarkTypholsion I see you everywhere for a lot of questions.w/ Drought wouldn't it be best for Solar Beam; it covers all weaknesses LMAODarkTyphlosion, Hypnosis is way to risky, bud.
Protect protects you from Surf and earthquake from teammates and opposing attacks.I've successfully used this burn-fusion status combo and it makes hard hitting physical sweepers (in my last battle, their Salamance) far less threatening and can give you a setup opportunity.
1) Hypnosis, 2) 2 Nasty Plots, and 3) Solar Beam or Overheat. Okay...so 66 acc. EV Spread; Sp. It sucks pretty bad, but still can win some matches.
Life Orb boosts the power of Ninetales's damaging moves by 1.3x but it then loses 1/10 its max HP immediately after the attack. Will-O-Wisp gets boosted accuracy from the wide lens, lets it have a status since sleep clause limits your hypnosis use, and lets Ninetales take physical attacks better. Meadow Plate boosts Power Whip's power without drawbacks, while Life Orb boosts the power of all of Tsareena's moves and allows it to function as more of a wallbreaker, especially with an Adamant nature. items, abilities, natures and EVs.Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Have him hold a Life Orb, Firium-Z, or a Charcoal for extra damage. And Heat Wave sees good usage.
You'll want to start off using Hypnosis, this way you can set up a Calm Mind or two.
If you're looking to cripple the opposition or even cause a bit of annoyance, use Will-O-Wisp. Wide Lens makes Hypnosis hit with 77% accuracy. For mine I dropped roar and put on blizzard with some more special attack. Icy Wind. Although this build is similar to the Weakness Policy in terms of moves, this build allows you to reap the benefits of an item without getting hit.
Additionally, the burn wears high def foes down and eliminates focus sash/endure strategiesI find this mostly useful in Double battles as heat wave pretty much Doubles in power due to sun+STAB and being able to hit the entire team. Heat Wave is STAB and hits multiple Pokemon. Ice/Fairy.
Only if Ninetales could learn Hone Claws, more people would choose Fire Blast over Flamethrower.The answer to what you can do without Drought is....Either Way, Sure Nintales Sucks, But the set isn't bad.You say he sucks, but you are building him extremely wrong and lopsided. You didn't specify...You don't need Sunny Day if the Ninetales have the ability Drought, the last can be roar or hypnosisDon't use Roar or Hypnosis. And the Heat Rock extends Sunlight so Solar Beam can be used more efficiently.You wouldn't need to extend the weather though. )Btw Blob, Jona, the team is insanely ground weak :PMy Ninetales is pretty awesome, but it works better if you lead with a Poke that has some type of entry hazard. Leftovers also goes along with this.Flash Fire can also be good, depends on what suits rest of team. Well he can suck up the ground attacks at least.everyone else is hit either super-effectively or neutrally by ground though :P Latios is only good for so long.No need to be a scumbag about it, so I won't be; however, Ninetales is a better choice.
I have him on a sun team with a Flash Fire Arcanine and he's great. (Replacing Air Balloon with Heat Rock is mainly because Ninetales' speed is pretty decent and an Air Balloon is only useful against like Earthquake or other ground moves, and most ground types are pretty slow. That will devour any of the types he should be up against in 4 turns.Ninetales has a good sp.
Set up with Nasty Plot. Ninetales.
A list of every Pokémon with the Effort Points (EVs) they provide in each stat.
Do you not like him and therefore down play him? However, Earthquake can be used to heavily damage Fire-type Pokemon, like Heatran and Ninetales on the switch, two Pokemon that typically cause hail teams problems. Imprison can screw over some foes. Aurora Veil. By using its Intimidate ability & Will-O-Wisp together, you can significantly lower the opponent's Attack. Wide Lens makes STAB, sunny, and boosted Fire Blast sweep with 93.5% accuracy. The Speed EVs allow it to outspeed a basic Physical defense build for Gastrodon with 59 Speed. EV Spreads are displayed 0-252 in the format HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe Your moveset is pretty good.Solarbeam will hit for 240 if it hits a Water, Ground, or Rock Pokemon.
If you have a good competitive moveset for Ninetales, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread. It also works well against physical Pokemon. (If you have like a Ferrothorn or something Flash Fire is definitely worth taking a look at. FIrst time ever VGC team. Just sub then nasty plot and then you can pretty much brute force your way through resistances. Your Ninetales has a GREAT moveset, btw.
If this is a Flash Fire Ninetales, then Energy Ball will suffice, however, if it is Drought Ninetales...ALWAYS go with Solarbeam. For Pokemon X on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Houndoom EV Spread".
I'm sorry, you mentioned Wide Lens?
The EV spread allows Golem to outspeed variants of Celesteela with 4 or fewer EVs invested in speed, and provides a HP stat that minimises Life Orb recoil whilst maximising attack. Hypnosis causes sleep, and also benefits from the Wide lens.
If you have a good competitive moveset for Ninetales, This is kind of a Zatoichi Ninetales. As of Gen VII, Hypnosis shouldn't be getting much love and seen a lot less in competitive duels.
One of your slots could be used for another coverage move or even a setup move.
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