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The Government of Ontario is providing a COVID-19 Recovery Rate for families, farms and small businesses who pay time-of-use prices. Call 1-855-494-3863 or register online at Customers who have electric heat and/or central air conditioning will benefit from this move to fixed rates. This is an increase of about $2 for a typical customer who uses 700 kWh per month. To support families, small businesses and farms while Ontario plans for the safe and gradual reopening of the province, the Government of Ontario has introduced a new fixed electricity price of 12.8 ¢/kWh for customers that are on time-of-use (TOU) prices. 1 Distribution charges are capped at a level prescribed by regulation ($36.86 as of July 1, 2019).
Effective June 1, 2020, the Government of Ontario announced the COVID-19 Recovery Rate for customers who pay Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity rates. Why do you need to recover charges for 2018 and the first half of 2019?With the retroactive adjustment added, how much will my bill increase in 2019?Why doesn’t the bill impact table show the retroactive adjustment?When will Hydro One customers see this increase on their bill?What rates and charges are included in the Delivery line? You may also try accessing our website using an alternate browser. Electricity Costs. Global Adjustment is collected on behalf of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and covers the cost for providing both adequate generating capacity and conservation programs for Ontario.
The Government of Ontario has introduced a COVID-19 Recovery Rate of 12.8¢/kWh for all time-of-use (TOU) electricity customers, to support Ontarians as we restart the economy. Established in 2019, Alectra's Green Energy & Technology Centre (GRE&T Centre) is an innovation hub that is unique in Ontario's utility sector. Learn about the low-income support programs that are available.
Effective March 24, 2020, the winter periods will remain in effect until further notice.Weekends and designated holidays are off-peak electricity prices all day.Prices shown are effective June 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020. The government has extended this rate relief to TOU customers until October 31, 2020. We’re making investments in new wood poles, tree trimming and grid modernization across the Province over the next three years. The Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER) will be an expanded relief program that will "largely offset the price changes," according to the release.Ontarians can expect to see their bill rise by 1.8% starting November 1. So, it's time to start remembering to turn off your lights! This adjustment is to recover revenue that we were unable to collect for the 14-month period of May 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.This adjustment will be applied to your Delivery charge from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020.The retroactive adjustment varies by rate class and is made up of a fixed charge and a variable charge that will vary depending on how much electricity you useThis retroactive adjustment is for revenue that we were unable to collect for the period May 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019Residential customers with a medium or low density will not see the full impact of the retroactive adjustment as distribution charges (included under the Delivery line) are capped at $36.86 per month.For a typical medium density customer using 750 kWh a month the increase on the total bill is $2.55 or 2.1%For a typical low density customer using 750 kWh a month the increase on the total bill is $2.21 or 1.8%To show that rates will increase on average 0.4% per year over the next four years for a medium density customer and 0.2% for a lower density customer.The five year table shows what the rate increase would have looked like if we were able to implement new rates in 2018. Here are some shortcuts to help you with this:
We want you to be able to access myAccount. Rates COVID-19: Time-of-Use Rates effective June 1, 2020. If this was the case there would have been no need to recover charges that were not collected from May 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.As directed by the OEB, we have implemented the third step of eight steps towards the move to fixed distribution rates (included under the Delivery line).
Subscribe. You may also try accessing our website using an alternate browser. Customers who use very little electricity will see an increase on their bill, while customers who use a lot of electricity will see a decrease on their bill. It is expected the capped value will change on an annual basis.
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