Across the pond, London recently suffered an hours-long blackout at peak commute time on a Friday evening (!). All four units at the Dave Johnston plant near Glenrock are set to close by 2027 as previously anticipated.The units’ “useful lives” extend years — and in some cases even more than a decade — beyond the new retirement dates. "If you're going to consider external impacts, it's appropriate to consider the impact of all the scenarios that are under consideration," said Kaufman. “This plan reflects the ongoing cost pressure on coal as wind generation, solar generation and storage have emerged as low-cost resource options for our customers.”Wyoming’s beleaguered energy communities are among the utility’s considerations, Chad Teply, another PacifiCorp vice president, said in a statement. The Wyoming Public Service Commission launched its investigation into PacifiCorp’s long-term planning proposal in November.The investigation, the first of its kind in commission history, seeks to answer two questions, commission Chairwoman Kara Fornstrom said.“First, is the preferred portfolio economically sound and, second, does the preferred portfolio ensure reliability?” Fornstrom said.It’s not clear whether the commission has the authority to deny PacifiCorp’s Integrated Resource Plan after its investigation. While officially written off as a ‘fluke’, the circumstantial evidence points to the gird operator’s mismanagement of conventional generation resources (like pumped storage hydro) and fairy-tale belief that large, new battery storage systems would preserve the grid following the unexpected trip of a combined cycle plant and the subsequent trip of a windfarm. Wyoming needs a better road map for its future. He and other opponents are arguing for RMP to consider CCUS as an alternative to retiring the plants. The retirements will reduce coal-fueled generation capacity by nearly 2,800 megawatts in 11 years and by nearly 4,500 megawatts in 19 years. PacifiCorp’s analyses use “fairly sophisticated economic and operational models,” he said.In announcing the preferred alternative in a statement today, the utility wrote that the proposal calls for “increases in lower-cost wind, solar and storage to manage phased coal transition.” About 7,000 megawatts of new renewables and battery storage are part of the program through 2025. can produce up to 2,441 megawatts, although output may be curtailed by various factors, including laws and regulations that seek to protect health and the environment. Mounting coal plant retirements, as the economics of wind, solar and natural gas grow more favorable, have increased political pressure to save the resource, according to Anderson. The commission would have to abandon fundamental regulatory principles to make such a determination. We have recently upgraded our technology platform. Retirements. Stakeholders began arguments Monday in a "highly unusual — if not unheard of" proceeding before Wyoming regulators over the future of four coal units in the state.Regulators initiated an investigation into Pacificorp-subsidiary Rocky Mountain Power's plans to retire units 1 and 2 of the Jim Bridger Power Plant and units 1 and 2 of the Naughton Plant in November.Some of the most staunch opponents of the plant retirements are commissioners of the counties where the coal plants are located, while Pacificorp and environmental groups are defending the utility's decision to retire the plants and add several gigawatts of renewable resources and energy storage.Normal proceedings would constitute written comments in response to the proposed plan and "at most" an hour-long open meeting, she said. Press release from Solar One Christopher Thomas, a senior representative for the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign, said that PacifiCorp for the first time had taken a deep look at the economics of its coal fleet and acknowledged that many are uneconomical to operate. Politicians and grid operators alike can be beguiled into putting their faith in Save The Planet hucksters, who demand nothing less than the rapid and wanton retirement of coal assets, the sooner the better.
The retirements will reduce coal-fueled generation capacity by nearly 2,800 megawatts in 11 years and by nearly 4,500 megawatts in 19 years.The draft 2019 Integrated Resource Plan, an update of the 2017 version, may provide a bit of solace to communities in southwest Wyoming near the Naughton and Jim Bridger plants, a local official said. Wyoming news.Spencer Neria operates controls for feeder belts at the Naughton Plant. The three Naughton Plant units — — are located outside Kemmerer and are fed by the Kemmerer Mine.The Jim Bridger plant and associated coal mines employee some 800 people and can produce enough electricity to power Naughton, commissioned in 1963, employs approximately 126 workers, down about 25% through attrition over the past five years, Plant Managing Director Rodger Holt has said. is “a phased and well-managed coal transition that minimizes impacts to our thermal operations workforce and communities,” PacifiCorp Vice President Rick Link said in a statement. The plan is set to be submitted to regulators by Oct. 18.PacifiCorp will take public comments at the meetings under advisement, company spokesman David Eskelsen told WyoFile. That’s because the proposal is less aggressive in terms of early coal-unit closures than PacifiCorp’s most cost-conscious option, which was also considered.
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