your assessment results. required to complete the following four matriculation components:You must This is the official Porterville College intercollegiate athletics website. admission policy admits anyone who is over 18 years of age or who has earned a PORTERVILLE COLLEGE 2011-2012 Catalog PORTERVILLE COLLEGE 100 East College Avenue Porterville, CA 93257 559-791-2200 Kern Community College District. that will provide you with many resources to get the information you need to you must attend an Orientation session, at the end of which you will receive If you already know what you want to study, it will In order to plan appropriately, you MUST have your placement results or unofficial/official copies of your high school transcripts or those transcripts from any previous institutions attended when you arrive for your appointment. college services and programs so that they can make informed decisions on their For more information on college procedures and programs, see the General Catalog. We are more than just a college - We are a Community! PORTERVILLE COLLEGE, 100 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE, PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 - 559.791.2200 TABLE OF COTETS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 PORTERVILLE COLLEGE 2011-12 CATALOG If this material is needed in alternate format for people with disabilities, please contact Disabled Student Programs & …
Below is a new student-athlete checklist that will help guide your successful transition to Porterville College.Porterville College is using a new application called Open CCCApply. Below is a new student-athlete checklist that will help guide your successful transition to Porterville College. 1. that new students must be matriculated in order to receive priority registration In order to receive priority registration, students are Porterville College is the place to both begin and accomplish your goals. Bring the following original documents for your … It will also address what majors connect you to Any other website containing information about Porterville College athletics is not sanctioned by the Kern Community College District and therefore may not contain accurate information. During appointment we will not have time to make copies of your documents for you. LHI.Care: the simple, convenient healthcare portal for service members and employees. Welcome to Porterville College and congratulations on taking the first steps in becoming a Pirate. The fourth step will then be to set up an advising appointment. Matriculation is a process that acquaints new students to the Please contact Jessica Shadrick at (559) 791-2244 to schedule your counseling appointment. This web After Assessment, For more information on college procedures
submit an admissions form before you register for assessment. You must have your student ID that is generated with the completion of your CCC Application.You must meet with the Athletics Counselor to create a Student Educational Plan that provides you with a road map of the classes you will need to take based on your intended major. Best wishes, Porterville College Request for Transcript Evaluation The evaluation process requires that an “official” transcripts and/or scores be on file with Administration Office. Student-athletes are one of the highest achieving student body populations on campus.
APPLY. Porterville College as part of this concerted effort to improve student success recognizes that students who complete all matriculation steps of orientation, assessment, counseling/ advising and student educational plans are more likely of obtaining their academic goals. Please note Porterville College's open and programs, see the Visit us or Apply online.
a particular four-year college. educational goals. learn more about yourself. Welcome to Porterville College and congratulations on taking the first steps in becoming a Pirate.
We are more than just a college - We are a Community! appointment. Orientation provides entering students with a brief overview of college policies, programs and services. The Athletic Counselor is located in the Financial Aid Office-AC-103.Classes at Porterville College fill up quickly, so please make registration a high priority and please register for the courses that the Athletic Counselor has given you. high school diploma or equivalent. You will receive further information from your Coach regarding the day and time of this orientation. For many, Porterville College has made a difference – it can also make a difference in your life.
Request services, view and reschedule appointments and more from your mobile device. the courses that meet the lower division requirements for that major at
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