Random Hearts is a 1999 American romantic drama film directed by Sydney Pollack and starring Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas. Criticized for the implausibility of a) the premise and b) the pairing of an IA cop and a Congresswoman, as well as for its slowness, the film felt just fine to me , and even ended up being surprisingly absorbing. Was this review helpful to you? He soon finds himself caught up in a world of intrigue, espionage, gangsters, drugs and murder. Kay und William treffen sich am Rande einer Wahlveranstaltung, sie täuschen vor den anderen Menschen vor, sie würden sich kaum kennen. He soon finds himself caught up in a world of intrigue, espionage, gangsters, drugs and murder. So..what if it did happen? Random Hearts.
CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel. Am nächsten Tag fragt er, ob sie das vergangene Leben wieder haben wolle, wenn dies nur möglich wäre. So what if it's improbable? A drama centered on the efforts of John and Aileen Crowley to find a researcher who might have a cure for their two children's rare genetic disorder. Police Sergeant Dutch Van Den Broek (Harrison Ford) and U.S. Representative Kay Chandler (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) lose their spouses in a plane crash, and they soon discover that their spouses were having an affair with each other. Improbable is not the same as far-fetched. The movie makes it clear to us that the two cheaters are crash victims, but Ford and Thomas walk through a minefield of available information without making a connection. Random Hearts was a difficult film for me to enjoy.
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10 October 1999 Police Sergeant Dutch Van Den Broek (Harrison Ford) and U.S. Representative Kay Chandler (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) lose their spouses in a plane crash, and they soon discover that their spouses were having an affair with each other. Sydney Pollack's work seems to be well cast in both its primary and secondary roles. Directed by Sydney Pollack. Based on the 1984 novel of the same name by Warren Adler, the film is about a police officer and a Congresswoman who discover that their spouses were having an affair prior to being killed in an air disaster. subtitle Random Hearts 1999 720p.BluRay.x264-Japhson: ivy68: English: subtitle Random Hearts 1999: 0lei: English: subtitle Random Hearts 25.000 FPS: English: subtitle Random Hearts 25.000 FPS: English: subtitle Random.Hearts: mhmraouf: privacy | legal | contact. An ugly duckling having undergone a remarkable change, still harbors feelings for her crush: a carefree playboy, but not before his business-focused brother has something to say about it. After being shot, a lawyer loses his memory and must relearn speech and mobility, but he has a loving family to support him. The bowling alley scene was filmed at Parkway Lanes in Elmwood Park, New Jersey. Warren Adler (novel),
Die Regie führte Sydney Pollack, das Drehbuch schrieben Kurt Luedtke und Darryl Ponicsan anhand eines Romans von Warren Adler. Police Sergeant Dutch Van Den Broek (Harrison Ford) and U.S. Representative Kay Chandler (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) lose their spouses in a plane crash, and they soon discover that their spouses were having an affair with each other. A security specialist is forced into robbing the bank that he's protecting, as a bid to pay off his family's ransom. As a lawyer investigates the murder of a colleague, he finds himself more connected to the crime than anyone else. Die Hauptrollen spielten Harrison Ford und Kristin Scott Thomas. Später ruft Kay William an und erzählt seinem Anrufbeantworter über ihre Sorgen. CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel. As a lawyer investigates the murder of a colleague, he finds himself more connected to the crime than anyone else. Watch on CBS All Access with Prime Video Channels. Sie trifft ihn in einer Bar und weist ihn darauf hin, dass sie – anders als Van Den Broeck – im Mittelpunkt des Medieninteresses stehe. Police Sergeant Dutch Van Den Broek (Harrison Ford) and U.S. Representative Kay Chandler (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) lose their spouses in a plane crash, and they soon discover that their spouses were having an affair with each other. Extreme parkour, spilled chili, and way too much baby talk! You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet.
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