Quest: None. Velrak the explorer plays a small role in the Heroes' Quest and Scorpion Catcher quests as he is the one who gives the player a dusty key (assuming that players are not fishing for lava eels in the Lava Maze during Heroes' Quest and do not have access to the Legends' Guild to … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Even after being "freed" by the player, he never leaves his cell.
Oh, it is glorious.
He can be found in the Black Knights' Base in Taverley Dungeon in a prison cell. Velrak the explorer is an explorer who was captured by the Kinshra while exploring Taverley Dungeon, and imprisoned within in the Black Knights' Base. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours.
Maybe it's time for a bath.
The only way he is connected is that you'd maybe need to get the dusty key from him to access the part of Taverley dungeon where you can catch the lava eels, but that's only in the case you don't already have the dusty key, you don't want to fish in the Wilderness and you don't have 70 Agility. Once inside, he gives the player a dusty key, which allows access into the deeper parts of the dungeon.
Velrak the Explorer is not relevant to those quests, actually.
To obtain the key to his cell, kill the Jailer. The dusty key is a key that unlocks a gate to the Taverley Dungeon, allowing passage into the deeper parts of dungeon from the Lesser demon area to the Blue dragon area. Talk with him and he will make a Steel key ring for you if you bring him all five keys that can be obtained from various monsters in the dungeon. To obtain the key to his cell, kill the Jailer.
First I want to gaze upon the glistening splendour of the Taverley river a … Members Only: Yes. Velrak the explorer: Sunlight! The steel key ring can be used to access the last part of the dungeon, where players can take on the Smoke demon champion.
Velrak the explorer is a NPC located in the Black Knight's jail in the Taverley dungeon. Velrak the explorer is an explorer who was captured by the Kinshra while exploring Taverley Dungeon, and imprisoned within in the Black Knights' Base. Velrak the explorer: I was trapped so long in that Kinshra dungeon, I'd forgotten how colourful and bright Taverley is. To obtain the key to his cell, kill the Jailer. He is the source of the dusty key, which can be used to access the deepest parts of Taverley Dungeon. Notes: This key is used to unlock the door and release Velrak the Explorer. © 2010 - 2020 Velrak the explorer is a NPC located in the Black Knight 's jail in the Taverley dungeon. Download skin now! He can be found in the Black Knights' Base in Taverley Dungeon in a prison cell.
Location: Taverley Dungeon by the Black Knights HQ, locked in the southern cell. Velrak the explorer: Yes, yes. Velrak the Explorer can be found standing at the start of the Smoke dungeon. It seems that changes that have been put into these quests only seem to effect people who haven't done them, for example the guy you free in the Black Knights dungeon is still in his jail for me and I have freed him and he still isn't at the dungeon entrance.Also does anyone have any of the lore that was mentioned in the patch notes about Camora and the Ice Queen and anything about the Imp Catcher?If Velrak is still in the Kinshra HQ jail for you, then it sounds like you haven't yet talked him into leaving the dungeon.After you've convinced him to leave the dungeon with an encouraging chat, you should be able to find Velrak admiring the Taverley river in the open air, just north of the Taverley dungeon entrance.I'm currently trying to do the new Imp catcher on a f2p account and I'm supposed to bring a bowl of hot water to the Imp by the water altar, but the bowl of hot water is an item only members can make. Miscellaneous Information: In order to free him you must kill the Jail Guard and obtain his key.
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