Perhaps in a few years a prototype might be built, which would be of huge benefit in advancing the technology. The 29es ist around 190k€ depending on the options. In high speed flight the winglet itself produces undesirable drag when it is too big.
While continuously reaching top positions at World Championships, European Championships and Nationals, its pleasant handling has also made it popular as an all-round glider. So I suspect a fully juiced 33es will be roughly 200-220k€.A fully equipped V3 is around €200k so I'd imagine it's around that price point.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castNews, videos, pics or anything else about fixed wing gliding aka soaring.Press J to jump to the feed. What can we expect in the long term and what is already possible today?Boundary layer suction is a revolutionary concept which has been under development for some time by Loek Boermans at the Technical University of Delft. For this reason one of the glider manufacturers stopped quoting L/D ratios several years ago.We agree that a single number says very little about the actual overall performance of a glider and prefer analyzing the differences in performance of different gliders by comparing them in flight. )I offer these opinions of one of the best known glider aerodynamicists without comment.By the way, the richly-enjoyed Bordeaux wine was very good!We currently use laminar profiles for the wings. The papers by the director and his colleagues, that mostly had to do with aerodynamics and new airfoils, were particularly interesting. Such a glider would not need to circle, rather it would fly almost entirely in dolphin mode with the expected effect on the over-all speed.But there are a couple of small problems that have to be solved first: The long slit destroys the box construction of the wing. He is making use of his new concept of boundary layer suction by putting a 1.5 mm wide slit along the entire length of the wing about 30 cm forward of the trailing edge. The only possible advantage would be that the effectiveness of the wing dihedral would be increased which would help the thermalling characteristics. Therefore the wing profile that is being used in that area is simply wrong. He cannot be sure that he will succeed and surpass the models already on the market. However, there are several examples of winglets on the market that he thinks are not right. There are for instance polar curves for the same glider but from different years which are not identical. The 'a' version has a narrow fuselage and the wider fuselage version is called the 2b.
last decreased the sink rate at 100 kts from its 650 fpm (3.30 m/s) unballasted value to only 440 fpm (2.24 m/s) with par-tial ballast; an impressive 48 per cent improvement in glide ratio at that airspeed.
That’s it! Mr. Boermans is one of today’s most active developers of new airfoils for gliders. :Calculating polar curves in a test flight is very difficult and prone to errors. In no way would there be any thrust as from an engine-driven propeller.The whole concept is just in the talking stage and not yet feasible even for the most innovative glider manufacturer.Loek Boermans repeated the importance of the commonly-held opinion that a standard class glider without winglets is for him unimaginable. In addition to a classic foam protector, there is a viscoelastic back protector.
Because of this, the “performance contest” of the glider manufacturers has increasingly moved to themes such as comfort, safety, and motorization etc. In general, the special airfoil required for use with flaps gives a worse performance than a non-flapped design when the flaps are set at zero angle. The turbines for a 25 meter glider would use about 500 watts continuously! This has led to the development of winglets for the standard class in which a significant portion of the drag is induced drag. The long tradition of the Discus as the leading Standard Class glider has been taken over and deepened by the Discus-2. Span-wise flow increases towards the tip due to higher pressure on the bottom of the wing and lower pressure on the top of the wing. FAI 15 metre-class and 18 metre-class glider, maximum glide ratio 43 / 45 / 48 / 52 Ventus a,b,bT / Ventus c,cT,cM / Ventus 2a,2ax,2b,2bx,2bxR / Ventus 2c,2cT,2cx,2cxa,2cxT,2cxR,2cM,2cxM A special winglet profile has to be developed.A positive advantage should certainly be noticeable with winglets for an 18 m wingspan and he is happy about our apparent success with the DG-800.Winglets for a 20 m span wing should also be possible. And on the inside of the wing, a continuous connection between the top and bottom surfaces of the wing is no longer possible because the pumped air needs to flow into the fuselage with no turbulence. The kind of quantum leap in innovation that occurred with the advent of fiberglass technology is not seen at present. The air would be pulled through these holes. One would also use in this case more “normal” profile which, if the suction were lost, would give reasonable performance. Measuring errors in a comparative flight can however be much bigger.So you see that the quoted L/D ratio is normally merely a theoretical value that you shouldn’t use for your final glide calculations. Therefore the glider does not fall outside of its competition class and the handling on the ground is no more difficult.The winglet must be bigger as the span becomes smaller because with smaller spans the percentage of induced drag becomes larger.
There is no more effective a way to increase performance at a reasonable cost. A significant increase in glide ratio and reduction in minimum sink is not guaranteed even in brand new machines.
In contests, winglets are a “must”.
If you don’t have winglets, check and see if you can get some made for your glider. Anyone know a rough number?I don't want to waste their time asking for a quote lol.First of all it will take 1-2 more years until the prototype sees the light of day.For the sailplane version you’ll need around 120k€ I think. The glide ration is about the same as Ventus 2, you can just glide faster thanks to a smaller wing area and the resulting higher aspect ratio and higher wingload.
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