Learn How To Pronounce Wien Correctly NOW for FREE! Definition of wiener noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. a Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein. (In the US it is the latter!) Il tutto per capire cos'è la parola, com'è fatto l'oggetto, che volto ha il nome del personaggio, oppure informazioni varie su luoghi, prodotti o qualsiasi altra cosa. Puoi usare un semplice tasto 'Invio' da dentro la casella oppure cliccare sulla scritta di fianco 'Cerca e ascolta'. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases. Wiener definition: a kind of smoked beef or pork sausage , similar to a frankfurter | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Are you studying a language or simply interested in the pronunciation of some words? In German, the name is pronounced [vaɪnɐ(ʁ)], of which the rare English pronunciation / v aɪ n ər / is a close approximation.
Home › Tools › Pronunciation › Show description Search and listen to pronunciations. German or American W? Wiener Schnitzel n (genitive Wiener Schnitzels, plural Wiener Schnitzel) Wiener schnitzel, veal schnitzel; Usage notes .
If you are in an English speaking country and you say 'Wien' instead of 'Vienna', non-German speakers may not know what you are talking about. I don't know how big a story Anthony Weiner has been in Germany. Weiner is a surname or, in fact, the spelling of two different surnames originating in German and the closely related Yiddish language. Say Wien? With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer 'Wiener' is the adjective, and means 'Viennese' - so a 'Wienerschnitzel' is a 'Vienna Schnitzel', and a 'Wiener' is a 'Vienna sausage'.
Pronunciation of wiener in German. Per ogni pronuncia vedi il bottone 'play' per ascoltare l'audioclip Seleziona la lingua d'interesse nella lista a discesa, scrivi il termine nella casella ed esegui la ricerca!
Wien is German for 'Vienna' - the capital city of Austria. This magnificent, historical city has been rated as one of the "Top 25 Cities to call home". Otterrai più risultati assieme: sul lato destro la pronuncia, sulla sinistra immagini riguardanti la parola e termini simili. Is the vowel in his last name given the German pronunciation wEIner or wIEner? Sei interessato alla pronuncia di parole in una lingua o hai dubbi sulla dizione in italiano? In Yiddish, the name is pronounced almost as in southern German (with a flapped or trilled final r). Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. But if there has been coverage on radio and TV: 1. pronounce Wien, say Wien, say Vienna in German, Vienna Austria, The capital of Austria, pronunciation and audio, Wiener. Paprikaschnitzel
Select your 'target language' in the drop-down list, enter your search term in … Related terms . Austria is a German speaking country, so when you are traveling there, it is correct to refer to the city as Wien. Officially, a Wiener Schnitzel is made with veal, while a schnitzel of this style made from a different meat is a Schnitzel Wiener Art or is qualified as e.g. English Translation of “Wiener” | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. In 'Anthony,' is it 't' or American 'th'? The word “wiener” came to mean, well, a man’s wiener, through its association with a type of sausage from Vienna, the Wiener Würstchen. Learn the translation for ‘Wiener Schnitzel’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. 2. 3.
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