snake in Marathi translation and definition "snake", English-Marathi Dictionary online. Wiggling का कार्य ... marathi: रिगल ... Find the correct meaning and Hindi pronunciation of the word wriggling in easy language. शरीर अनियततापी असते; बाहेरील तापमानानुसार त्यांच्या शरीराचे तापमान बदलत असते.8 After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in a land described as a “vast and terrible wilderness infested with poisonous ८ तांबडा समुद्र पार केल्यावर इस्राएल लोक अरण्यात भटकू लागले.
Any reptile of the suborder Serpentes, typically having a scaly cylindrical limbless body, fused eyelids, and a jaw modified for swallowing large prey.A legless reptile of the sub-order Serpentes with a long, thin body and a fork-shaped tongue.To drag or draw, as a snake from a hole; often with To wind round spirally, as a large rope with a smaller, or with cord, the small rope lying in the spaces between the strands of the large one; to worm.Any reptile of the suborder Ophidia, typically having a scaly cylindrical limbless body, fused eyelids, and a jaw modified for swallowing large prey: includes venomous forms such as cobras and rattlesnakes, large nonvenomous constrictors, and small harmless types such as the grass snake.Any reptile of the suborder Serpentes, typically having a scaly cylindrical limbless body, fused eyelids, and a jaw modified for swallowing large prey.a long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipessomething long, thin, and flexible that resembles a snakeform a snake-like pattern; "The river snakes through the valley"move along a winding path; "The army snaked through the jungle"(video games) An early computer game, later popular on mobile phones, in which the player attempts to manoeuvre a perpetually growing snake so as to collect food items and avoid colliding with walls or the snake's tail.The sixth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar.An early computer game, later popular on mobile phones, in which the player attempts to manoeuvre a perpetually growing snake so as to collect food items and avoid colliding with walls or the snake's tail.A river in the northwestern United States, tributary to the Columbia.a long faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near the equator stretching between Virgo and Cancera tributary of the Columbia River that rises in Wyoming and flows westward; discovered in 1805 by the Lewis and Clark ExpeditionCookies help us deliver our services. Hindi Translation of “path” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online.
Need to translate "synovial membrane" to Hindi? त्यांच्या स्वतःच्या जातीच्या सापांशीच मैथुन होते, एका विशिष्ट कस्तूरी वासाने ते आकर्षिले जातात. IPA: ... From Middle English wiglen, probably from Middle Dutch wigelen (“to wiggle”) and perhaps Middle Low German wigelen, frequentative of wiegen (“to rock”), from wiege (“cradle”). Synonyms for wiggle include jiggle, twitch, jerk, squirm, wriggle, writhe, twist, shake, shimmy and wag. The Paul Noble Method: no books, no rote memorization, no chance of failure. See more. Here's how you say it. Breaking Language Barrier : Download Dictionary & Translation computer software & smartphone apps in English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati & 23 languages. See wain, and Dutch wieg (“cradle”).. Cognate to Dutch wiggelen (“to wiggle”).. A rapid movement in alternating opposite directions, not necessarily regular.
या अरण्याचे वर्णन ‘आग्या सापांनी व विंचवांनी व्यापलेले घोर व भयानक रान आणि रुक्ष व निर्जल भूमी’ असे करण्यात आले आहे.इतर लोकांना जशी कुत्री किंवा पोपट आवडतात तसे माझ्या गाईडला, मिस्टर Meanwhile, in the Narrow Sea, the Greyjoys and Sand are attacked by Euron Greyjoy's Iron Fleet, with Yara Greyjoy and Ellaria Sand being taken as hostages.पुढे हॅरी आणि हरमायनी तेथुन पलायन करताना, नागिनी सोबत संघर्ष करतात, ज्यामध्ये हरमायनी हॅरीची जादुई छडी चुकुन मोडते.17:12) And we hardly need to mention the vipers and other poisonous राजे २:२४; नीतिसूत्रे १७:१२) त्याशिवाय, आपण फुरसे आणि इतर विषारी goddess Kali, who at times is depicted as bloodthirsty, using corpses, आणि कवट्यांचा अलंकार म्हणून उपयोग करणारी असे चित्रित केले आहे.गोळ्यांच्या साहाय्याने केलेला गर्भपात ही एक मोठी शारीरिक समस्या आहे .But even more frightening than tigers and poisonous सापापेक्षा रेड खोमेरांचे साहाय्यक अधिक भितीदायक होते. devotees pour milk and even blood on images of cobras and down Park began after a survey showed that very few crocodiles remained in the wild in some parts of Asia.आशियातील काही भागात जंगली अवस्थेत फार कमी मगरी राहिल्या आहेत, असे जेव्हा एका सर्व्हेवरून समजले तेव्हा १९७२ साली मद्रास सर्पोद्यानात मगरींच्या संवर्धनास सुरुवात झाली. Find more similar words at!
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