"Drive" -> "Dr." everywhere)Good: "I use technology like Java, Microsoft, Unix, etc. continues other items in the room, whereas the intention is to create sentences. (Should be: "Is it correct to use comma after A at the end of a sentence?") One of the biggest controversies in writing in English is the use of a comma before and.This comma is known as the serial comma, or Oxford comma.One of the reasons that this little punctuation mark is so controversial is that it is not a requirement of grammar; it is a style consideration. and try to guess who will win.4. For example:Continue the conversation until our time is up OR until you have written eight sentences OR …It isn’t “Grammies.” Although it doesn’t seem correct, it’s “The Grammys.”If etc. The collection includes precious gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.
Confirm that you would also like to sign up for free personalized email coaching for this stage.Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing.
?There is nothing special about "etc. It looks like you have JavaScript turned off.
Research paper: Comma after "etc." "Good: "Do you use technology like Java, Microsoft, Unix, etc.?
It's not correct, you need, because "etc." ). *How would we punctuate it here when we want full sentences?In this exercise, create a conversation using complete sentences. is used to indicate that only some of the items from a list have been used. ", it is just a normal English abbreviation (of "et cetera") and should be treated as such.As an abbreviation it should always have a trailing period(*), although this is commonly omitted in the middle of a sentence in informal writing (email).
be followed by a comma: Letters, packages, etc., should go here.
is used in a two word title should a comma precede it?Material created by Jane Straus and GrammarBook.com. "if necessary" must only refer to "adjust". There’s no single rule that applies to all situations. Fields was a brilliant comic actor. Many regard fine literature—novels, essays, poetry, etc.—as essential to a useful life. People love to watch the award shows (the Academy Awards, the Grammys, etc.) but because be it gaming, emails, searching, etc.
Unfortunately, we don’t make the rules, we just report what the leading reference books and experts have to say on the subjects.“Also to be avoided is etc., etc., because why do that, why do that?”I believe W.C. Fields used the phrase, “et cetera, et cetera…” as an ending to some of his quips, as though running out of air, so it has a past; more of a colloquialism than a formal way of writing or speaking.W.C.
is used in the You could enhance your writing further by reading these posts: Latin phrases in scientific writing: italics or not? (In American English, do not use Policies do vary regarding which words to capitalize in a title. ?We do not understand what you have in mind.
(A comma is necessary before the last ‘ and .’) Example: The Constitution establishes the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
is disappearing. at the end of a sentence that it should be followed by two periods….
By having the sentence: I have a bed, a desk, etc., the etc. (*) Abbreviations always have a trailing period in US English. It does not contain a verb. Ask me anything with Gareth Dyke: Frequently asked questions by researchers Confirm that you would also like to sign up for free personalized email coaching for this stage. and try to guess who will win.
were strewn all over the room.
Use a comma to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses written in a series. Trending keywords Is it correct to use comma after etc., at the end of the sentence in American style of English?
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