The first century BCE fall of the Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Kingdom and subsequent rise of the Roman Empire were among the most important political transitions in the history of Western civilization. Picture taken January 6, 2020. Measurements of sulfur isotopes also made clear that the particles had been exposed to ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere, where they could spread and linger for many months or years before returning to Earth.In another ice core, the researchers found 35 shards of volcanic glass. “It wasn’t kind of a one-off,” she said. Alaska Volcano ... indicating that the volcano is "exhibiting heightened or or escalating unrest with increased potential for eruption." Appian, a historian, said Rome was devastated by famine in 42 B.C.E.Similar famines were seen in Egypt, and it’s tempting to speculate that they weakened Egypt, making it a perfect moment for Octavian, Caesar’s successor, to conquer it and solidify his hold on the nascent Empire, says Joseph Manning, a historian at Yale University. Your opinions are important to us. its coolest year, Anchukaitis says. A volcano in Alaska’s the Aleutian Islands began erupting Friday morning, with a pilot reporting an ash cloud estimated as high as 24,000 feet, officials say. This is not environmental determinism. U.S. Geological Survey/Alaska Volcano Observatory via REUTERS is considered the symbolic end of the republic, mention cold weather around the time of the eruption. alaska.avo Receive volcano updates by email: USGS VNS This website is supported by the U.S. Geological Survey under Cooperative Agreement Grant G19AC00060 and G19AC00171. Ones from Scandinavia and North America show clear cooling in 43 and 42 B.C.E. Alaska Volcano’s Sustained Eruption Grounds Flights, Prompts Safety AlertANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - An Alaska volcano shot an ash cloud about 5 miles (8 km) into the sky on Tuesday, prompting flight delays and cancellations and raining volcanic particles onto at least one nearby community, officials said.The ash-producing explosion at Shishaldin Volcano, about 680 miles (1,094 km) southwest of Anchorage, marked the biggest event in about six months of on-and-off eruption activity at the mountain, the Alaska Volcano Observatory reported.Shishaldin, one of Alaska’s most active volcanoes and the highest peak in the Aleutian Islands chain, began emitting ash Tuesday morning and was continuing to do so through early afternoon, observatory geologist Kristi Wallace said.The cone-shaped mountain, largely covered with snow and ice year-round, stands 9,373 feet (2,857 meters) tall on Unimak Island.The observatory issued a “Code Red” warning for air traffic around the Shishaldin, a more serious level of alert than the “Code Orange” posted during the past few months of oozing lava and occasional bursts of ash and steam.Shishaldin sent an ash cloud to roughly the same height during a short burst on Friday, but Tuesday’s event went on for several hours, Wallace said.“It wasn’t kind of a one-off,” she said.
More information: Joseph R. McConnell el al., "Extreme climate after massive eruption of Alaska's Okmok volcano in 43 BCE and effects on the late Roman Republic and Ptolemaic Kingdom," PNAS (2020). The cone-shaped mountain, largely covered with snow and ice year-round, stands 9,373 feet (2,857 meters) tall on Unimak Island. “The challenge is not to be overdramatic,” he says.Because even with this potentially huge cooling event, Mediterranean society does not collapse, Manning says. by Guy Middleton, Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March (March 15) in 44 BC and a bloody civil war followed. And, although the dating and identification of the eruption look undisputable, the evidence supporting the volcano’s climate impact is thin, especially for the Mediterranean, says Kevin Anchukaitis, a paleoclimatologist at the University of Arizona,. If people were going hungry, the conflict itself and profiteering grain dealers were perhaps more to blame than the climate (as was the case in The effects of Okmok's eruption in 43 BC may have been serious, as McConnell's team argue. It involved But this civil war was only the latest in a series of escalating conflicts in the later period of the republic, in which the behavior of earlier figures, like Sulla, who had seized control of Rome decades earlier, became precedents for The outcome of the war and the establishment of a monarchy was not inevitable. Landsat-8 … “The tiny glass particles in the ice are a clinching piece of evidence,” says Siwan Davies, a geographer at Swansea University who was not involved in the study.The scientists then simulated the eruption in a climate model—one some scientists think exaggerates the cooling effect from eruptions—and found that the aerosols could have cooled southern Europe and northern Africa by up to 7°C. “The end of the republic happened during these two extreme years of climate,” he says. There were many points in the years after 44 BC at which things could have turned out quite differently, whatever the climate was like.
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