If you need to reschedule, you may do so by calling us at 1.877.215.5752. The Illinois ENERGY STAR® Appliance Rebate Program will provide rebates for: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Equipment Central Air-Conditioners If you find yourself behind on your energy bill, we understand. It's all part of our ongoing commitment to keep pace with future energy needs, as we proudly continue to serve, support and invest in the communities we call home. Ameren Illinois has been providing energy delivery service for more than a century. Residential customers that owe a past due amount for service may be eligible for a Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA) with Ameren Illinois to make partial payments … Improving energy efficiency is the easiest way to ensure your home heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment provides long-term savings for you.The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program provides discounts and incentives that can save you hundreds of dollars on energy-efficient products and improvements, such as:Smart thermostats (when part of a qualifying heating or cooling project)Unit does not meet qualifications for Early RetirementNew central air conditioning unit must be rated 16.0 SEER or greater and EER 12.5 or greaterCurrent central air conditioning unit must be verifiably operable and have a nameplate SEER rating of 10.0 or lessNew central air conditioning unit must be rated 16.0 SEER or greater and EER 12.5 or greaterUnit does not meet qualifications for Early RetirementNew air-source heat pump must be rated 16.0 SEER or greater and 9.0 HSPF or greaterCurrent air-source heat pump must be verifiably operable and have a nameplate SEER rating of 10.0 or lessNew air-source heat pump must be rated 16.0 SEER or greater and 9.0 HSPF or greaterCurrent A/C unit must be verifiably operable and have a nameplate SEER rating of 10.0 or lessNew air-source heat pump must be rated 16.0 SEER or greater and 9.0 HSPF or greaterInstallation of a smart thermostat, replacing a manual or programmable thermostat (limit 1 per household)For stand-alone thermostat replacement incentives, visit Must be replacing a manual or programmable thermostatMust be used with a primary heating source supplied by an Ameren Illinois fuel, gas or electricAdditional incentives for smart thermostats and other energy saving products are available.To qualify for these discounts, your contractor must be a registered Program Ally and follow our energy efficiency guidelines for both the new equipment and the equipment you are replacing.You must be an Ameren Illinois residential gas or electric customer.To qualify for the Early Retirement incentive, your Program Ally must verify that your current equipment is in working condition and gather additional required information about the unit(s).
Full details are available at ActOnEnergy.com, by calling 1-866-838-6918 or by sending an e-mail to ActOnEnergyResidential@ameren.com. Smart thermostats (when part of a qualifying heating or cooling project) Air-source heat pump water heaters It doesn’t take a rocket scientist — or even an expert handyman — to save lots of energy and even more money around the house. Learn more about how to get incentives for using your smart thermostat to save energy. Find energy efficiency tips, plus access to helpful programs, rebates and cash incentives. To be eligible for a smart thermostat, your heating fuel must be delivered by Ameren Illinois. Find energy efficiency tips, plus access to helpful programs, rebates and cash incentives.When it comes to energy, actions speak louder than words.
Smart and wi-fi enabled thermostats can be used with most heat pump systems. Access your Ameren accounts online. For this reason, only your Program Ally may remove the existing unit(s).All projects require program approval prior to project start date.All program paperwork must be submitted within 30 days of the installation date or by Dec. 31, 2020, whichever comes first.When elevator contractor, Jim Barnard, and his wife, Sandy, moved from Virginia to Illinois, they made major renovations to make their new house a home. Everyone wants to have a comfortable home that also saves money on energy costs.
With the help of incentives from Ameren Illinois, the Barnard's installed an air-source heat pump to improve the comfort of their new home and save energy. In order to improve your use of this website, and provide the most relevant information to our site visitors and customers, we utilize text files known as "cookies" that are stored within your computer’s or mobile device’s memory by a website through your browser. No matter what industry you're in, we can help you take action.If you own or manage a multifamily property serviced by Ameren Illinois, we have some great news for you — we may be able to help you and your tenants start saving on energy costs!Economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting residents in every corner of our state, from all walks of life.
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