Ensure your work environment is free from harassment and bullying. A development program brings employees to a higher level by identifying the gaps and providing them with the knowledge to strengthen and enhance their skills.A healthy culture of accountability will help employees be more productive, creative, and able to contribute to furthering organizational goals. The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out roles and responsibilities of workplace parties with respect to workplace violence and workplace harassment, including developing and implementing policies and programs and providing information and instruction on these. ® Vocam Worldwide Publishing 1990 - 2018. The definition of harassment is discussed as well as employer and employee liability. Examples are provided so the trainee has a clear understanding of what is and what is not considered harassment and bullying. Keep your trainees engaged, record keeping up-to-date and time on your side.Effective training builds employee confidence as it provides a better understanding of their job roles and responsibilities. Through this workshop, youth will understand: bullying, harassment and discrimination; how youth can use their personal power to resolve and prevent these problems; how to find and use resources to respond to bullying and harassment, including cyberbullying. Significantly, Business Training-TV can be used in any workplace, regardless of size or industry, to tackle behavioural compliance issues. Therefore, organisation’s greatly benefit from utilising a Learning Management System such as Business Training-TV to administer bullying and harassment training.
Red Cross Training Partners can deliver a three-hour Beyond the Hurt workshop to youth. Does employee conduct breach company policy and/or is in violation of the prohibited grounds of protection under human rights law? You should not suffer in silence if you can identify with any of the examples mentioned above. All Rights Reserved. Using the BusinessTraining-TV Course Builder, you can use our existing Harassment course(s) and simply upload your company specific policies, procedures, PowerPoint and documentation in a few simple clicks. Employees who learn and are challenged feel more satisfaction towards their jobs.Training programs allow employers to address weakness in their employee’s skills. 1. between bullying and harassment and give clear examples of each type of behaviour. What can you do if you are one of those unfortunate people being bullied at work? HR Proactive’s One-on-One training emphasizes the importance of understanding and preventing harassment and bullying in the workplace. Vocam offers a number of video-based courses and solutions that meet and exceed the Canadian Federal Legislation pertaining to Bullying, Violence & Harassment and Sexual Harassment in Canadian workplaces.Courses showcase real-life case studies and will clearly outline unacceptable behaviour, interactive questions, company polices, procedures to follow and resulting consequences.Deploying these interactive courses will not only satisfy your company’s annual legislative obligations, but in addition, aid in significantly removing violent and harassing behaviour from your workplace.What’s the most effective way to stay compliant and beat your bullies? The definition of harassment is discussed as well as employer and employee liability. Copyright© 2019 HR Proactive - Ontario, Canada.
I have nothing but good things to say about him and his knowledge. Learning is reinforced through case studies, video and quizzes. Toronto - Montreal - Vancouver - Ottawa - Calgary - Edmonton - Quebec - Winnipeg - Hamilton - Kitchener - London - Ontario - Canada It should also offer relevant advice to both victims of bullying and harassment on how best to tackle their tormentor. Well-trained and competent employees represent your company as an industry leader.Show your employees that they are valued and appreciated by investing in their growth and development. Train hard!Sample a few of our Bullying & Harassment courses and discover why we are consistently ranked among the top elearning Ontario companies year over year.All courses come pre-built with comprehension checkpoints and quizzes to verify each trainee has retained the required information. Courses can be fully customized to include your company policies and procedures to ensure your company meets all legislative requirements.Each Course has interactive questions throughout along with a final quiz to test knowledge retentionUpon successful completion trainees are provided with a custom branded certificateUnder the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers must provide appropriate training to workers on their company workplace violence, harassment and sexual harassment policies and procedures.Your branded training platform will come equipped with over 100 pre-built courses that cover all aspects of business training.Training management doesn’t have to be complicated and overwhelming – Vocam training platforms are designed to simplify the entire process. Does employee conduct breach company policy and/or is in violation of the prohibited grounds of protection under human rights law? Learn how to know if your behaviour is welcome or unwelcome and the possible consequences if the inappropriate behaviour continues. He was friendly, welcoming and easy to talk to."
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