I’m not sure why, but I think it was at that point that I really started to “see the light.” Why Traditional theology is biblically wrong about the first century phrase "gnashing of teeth"Why Traditional theology is biblically wrong about the first century phrase “gnashing of teeth”Answering the critics and supposed scriptures that teach otherwiseAnswering the critics and supposed scriptures that teach otherwiseAnswering the critics and supposed scriptures that teach otherwiseQuestions and major problems for those who hold to the eternal torment position.Questions and major problems for those who hold to the eternal torment position.What some reviewers have said about a classic book on this topicWhat some reviewers have said about a classic book on this topic This cannot be stressed enough. Conditional Immortality - about the author Home About Links Comments Contact Home About Links Comments Contact About ABOUT ME I am Jewish and I have been a believer in Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) for over 30+ years.
lobsters made a deal with the devil for conditional immortality and it backfired on them. Dead bodies “turning into ashes” is what is written by Isaiah and spoken by Jesus (Yeshua).Doesn't Daniel 12:2 say some will face "everlasting contempt"?Doesn’t Daniel 12:2 say some will face “everlasting contempt”?Why the "Book of Life" is exactly that...a Book of LifeWhy the “Book of Life” is exactly that…a Book of Life Your last letter put my mind a bit more at ease about who is going to hell, but it didn’t address the problem of hell itself. Well, the same Greek word and tense of “worship” (of God this time) is also used in Revelation 11:1 where it is absolutely clear that the “worship” is going on in the present tense upon this earth.
And John specifically tells us when this worshiping shall occurThey will indeed be tormented forever; however they are not humans. Because Jesus quotes it verbatim in Mark 9:48.
Either way, let it be said again, that the teaching of Conditional Immortality means that the soul of man is finally destroyed on the “Day of Judgment”First let’s look at what the text actually says…Revelation 14:10-11 is about a specific group of people at “the end times.” It is about people who take the mark of the beast during what many call The Great Tribulation.
Paul did not believe the Greek philosophy of his day which taught the immortality of all souls.Before the Messiah, Jesus, came, no one had a chance at immortality because of sin. That is really why it is a punishment to him or her. Why then is it greater and more lasting?
Gehenna was a place where worms and fires lived, but not people!
Justice, in its proper amount, will be served. Isaiah makes it clear, we will see “carcasses” (Hebrew: pegerim = dead bodies).
The only difference will be that a human judicial court can only remove the bodily life of a person as punishment. The final picture is one of shame, not pain. God will see that they receive the exact amount of “stripes” they deserve. The smoke of their torment arising “forever and ever” in the passage does not mean that the torment of the wicked will never end. The Torah teaches us that in the beginning man was banished from the Garden of Eden and forbidden to eat from the Tree of Life, so that he would not live forever, so that he would not be immortal. Please take a moment and think about it. Conditional immortality as a label became popular in the nineteenth century for its ability to more holistically describe a view many Christians know as annihilationism.
In the second death, the body and soul are both destroyed (not preserved), (Matthew 10:28) forever.The second death could not mean eternal torment because it is linked to the first death. Inter-Varsity Press author John R. Stott rightly concludes: “…it would seem strange…if people who are said to suffer destruction are in fact not destroyed…it is difficult to imagine a perpetually inconclusive process of perishing.”(J. Stott and D. Edwards, Essentials: A Liberal-Evangelical Dialogue, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1988, p. 316)Third of all, this phrase is used elsewhere in “Tenach” (the Old Testament) and is never used to mean eternal torment.
Both worms and fire speak of a total and final destruction.
Since they refused the payment of Yeshua (Jesus), they will suffer only for their own sins and then face the “second death.”Evangelical author Edward Fudge, a former Traditionalist, makes the same point in his classic book The Fire that Consumes:“Where a very serious crime is punished by death and the execution of the sentence takes only a minute, no laws consider that minute as the measure of the punishment, but rather the fact that the criminal is forever removed from the community of the living.”On this basis we regard a 20-year prison sentence to be greater than a 10-year sentence, a 50-year sentence worse than one for 20, and life imprisonment greater than these all. They will be ashes by this time (Malachi 4:3)Evangelical author Edward Fudge gives this passage a well developed exegesis that deserves quotation here:Jesus quotes these words (Isaiah 66:24) in one of His own famous statements about final punishment (Mark 9:48), and they have formed the basis for much Christian teaching on hell ever since. Ezekiel states clearly that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4), and a plethora of other Bible verses and passages endorse this position.Also, in regards to suffering, scripture seems to indicate that what the lost have suffered here on earth, for their sins, may actually count as partial payment then (Isaiah 40:2).
You said it about as forcefully as it can be said. It is the “second death” (Rev.
However, the “wage of sin” (Romans 6:23) is ultimately death, not the suffering process in getting to death itself. Therefore, it is no wonder that the message of immortality has been completely dropped from modern preaching.
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