2018's slang words: Gucci .
It’s normally said about girls, and especially said about girls with Starbucks and leggings.Said after a large debate results in finding an answer.When somebody says they like a popular thing, but they don’t know anything about it. 10. I personally never use the term if I can help it. types a fan in a YouTube comment.An AAVE term for "awake." It can be used seriously or jokingly depending on the context.Synonym for predictable or mainstream. BDE isn't about the size of actual genitalia, but is more about attitude, or an aura of easy self-confidence that doesn't cross the line into arrogance. I use “tf” more as a mild, confused reaction. Similar to replying with "same," "me too" or even just "relatable" Something that is even more relatable than the usual fare can be described as a "big mood."
If you didn’t know what this abbreviation means, you must really be out of the loop. If you’re a teenager, it might not even register that the words you say are completely foreign to your parents. HuffPost Canada Owned. This has now become a response to any vaguely relatable post on social media. Hunty: Hunty is the combination of "honey" and "c*nt". ©2020 Verizon Media. You reeeally are a snack.." As the federal election campaigning approaches, I urge racialized communities to stay "woke." Wherever you use bro, just replace it with sis and you're good to go. Someone or something a person admires.A reaction to someone doing something shocking. "The "on fleek" of 2018. Even after slavery ended, this pattern continued, according to Margaret Lee, a linguist and author who spoke to Vox.i resisted the urge to yeet myself into the sun in 2018 so who's the real winner here Still can't believe that one of my OTP's actually got married irl! Out loud, teens say the individual letters S, M and H.ILYSM. It’s normally meant romantically, but sometimes it can be used as a friendship if the word “friend” is specified.An example of a popular, well-used meme. Can also be used to goad your opponents if you're trying to psych them out before a situation where one of you will be winning and one of you will be losing.Slang that originated somewhere in the internet, possibly on Tumblr, that is used in response to a post or image that is unsettling, disturbing, or gross in some way but interesting enough that there's some value in sharing it. So, we've included a list of popular terms from this year and their usage. "Feeling petty, bitter, annoyed and/or angry towards someone/something.Example: "She's feeling salty because she humiliated herself in front of the whole class. You can ask not to be @-ed when you're posting something you don't want to be called out on.Example: "Don't @ me, but Prince William is hotter than Prince Harry. And if these slang words are outdated to you, you might be younger than nineteen, or you’re just ahead of the curve.Here’s a list of modern slang words as used by a teenage girl in 2018.Yes, it still means “Rest in Peace,” but you definitely wouldn’t be saying it about someone who just died. "Everyone, including Black people, is erroneously taught that Black genius is more or less, public property with no clear 'ownership.' Normally describes someone’s booty.People also use this jokingly, especially when talking about food.Iconic Naomi Campbell. Merriam-Webster added the term hot take in 2018 to describe a "published reaction or analysis of a recent news event that, often because of its time-sensitive nature, doesn't offer much in the way of deep reflection." Like I was going to take them back or something.
Example: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen are my OTP, I ship them so hard.Bless up has two uses, one as a greeting, and another as a sort of thank you and show of appreciation and gratefulness for the people in your life.Example: "I finished the project for you." They're taught that it's morally acceptable for pretty much everyone to consume Black culture, with little regard or examination of one's own anti-Blackness," Chaédria LaBouvier Are you in proximity to the culture that originated the terms?Are you using the language to "level up" or earn yourself "street cred"?When in doubt, give it a pass.
Los Angeles' Microsoft Theatre played host to the 2018 BET Awards on June 24, and the action was non-stop.
"A response to something that is so funny/amusing that you're metaphorically rolling on the floor with laughter.The L stands for loss — taking an L just means to accept your fate and take the loss that's been handed to you by life, whether it be failing a test, getting rejected by a romantic interest, or just plain old losing a game.
These are casual phrases; if you really want to show someone you love them, you generally type all the words out.In person, nobody says “sm.” But many people say “ily,” pronounced like “lily” without the first L. Sometimes people attempt to say “ilysm” by saying a fast “sum” after “ily.”“To be honest…” You’ll rarely find this phrase completely written out. It’s a way to bring back something that’s happened in the past to the present.In person, people only say the individualized letters T, B and T. They don’t try to pronounce it out like a word.The term “bb” doesn’t stand for anything. Betting doesn’t have to be rocket science. And if there’s a very particular odd phrase you’re trying to understand that isn’t in this list, it’s probably a Vine. This translates as “Make her your wife, because she just did this.”Used when something emotionally overwhelming happens, like seeing a cute dog, or watching Sacred image.
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