Verre originally sat 70 diners, but was later reduced to 55 seats. Thanks! 4 0 The German tutor was trying to remember all the dishes, wines, and kinds of dessert, in order to send a full description of the dinnerto his people in Germany; and he felt greatly offended when the butler with a bottle wrapped in a napkin passed him by. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Example from the Hansard archive. There is no doubt that the people who cook dinners, etc. They were in the middle of dinner when I called. We boarded and the diner had closed for the evening and the club car was only opened until midnight. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Examples of dinner and in a sentence: 1. The roofline is decorated by a fin shape that serves as a backdrop for the diner's neon signage. ; 2. What enables him to give this concession except the £57 million which he has taken out of the babies' milk and the school children's dinners?
2. Diners' attire ranges from jeans and t-shirts to suits.
: 2. Diners typically then carry their own food from the counter to a table of their choosing, and afterward dispose of any waste from their trays. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.22. Example from the Hansard archive.
We are proceeding with the reorganisation of our schools and have commenced in two of our senior schools to provide dinners as well as milk. Tell us about this example sentence: The restaurant has a seating capacity for 175 diners. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. 4. While diners of this design somewhat resemble and are often confused with railroad cars removed from their wheels, these buildings were never railroad cars. 3. We departed the diner and returned to our sleeper just as the train pulled into Atlanta, on time. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the 1. Moving further aft, the second-class passenger dining room, which could accommodate 120 diners, was next. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the How to use diner in a sentence.
The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. He was known in every bar and diner in town, and tolerated in most. 100 examples: At that time, the drive-in became the diner's fiercest competitor… I have heard many doctors reveal confidences, at dinners and so on, which they should never have revealed. Vinegar is added for its sourness, and diners may specify how much vinegar is used. Perhaps a more telling metaphor would be a menu touristique, providing the
By the late 1960s, the fast-food system had trounced the The ten locations serve at least 120,000 diners each month, employing about 700 workers. There is yet another sector where accidents can occur —the private sector, at theme parks, motorway service centres or, as is increasingly the case, roadside diners or even pubs. The diners ate from trays attached to their saddles and sipped champagne through rubber tubes from iced bottles in their saddlebags. Usually a meal is served with a round of bread so diners can assemble their own chip butty with leftover chips. There are also some common expressions that use dinner. The floor area of the five storey building was approximately and used for banquets hosting more than 150 diners. CK 1 324604 Let's have dinner. Dictionary Coming back through Farm The diners adjust the flavour by themselves using sugar, "nam pla" (fish sauce), dried chilli and chilli in vinegar provided in jars at the table.
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