For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Very few people can resist a pufferfish once they've seen them, and the small figure 8 puffer might be one you'd like to provide with a home in your own freshwater aquarium. They can be hard on plants, due to aggressively attacking their foods; pieces of food rain down on plants and other aquarium décor. If you’re interested in a similar species, check out this other brackish water puffer: On the rare occasions that they have spawned in captivity, they are reported to have laid eggs on a flat surface, such as the substrate.
plus every once in a while I feed them a shrimp (bought from local meat market) and mealworms. Shirlie is a fish and aquarium lover with 16 years of experience writing on the topic of raising and keeping fish at home. Average. See more ideas about Figure 8, Puffer fish, Puffer. Ideally, figure 8 puffers should be kept alone or in a large aquarium with only a few other fish that thrive in the same partial-salinity habitat. Not only do they have very different salinity requirements, but when the GSP gets larger and much more aggressive the Figure Eight will likely be bullied and picked on constantly. Some have reported at least short-term success with
Puffers are not well suited to a community tank because they tend to be aggressive. Also, they are easier to keep because unlike the GSPs who need high brackish to marine as adults, the Figure 8's only need a low brackish of 1.005-1.008 throughout their lives. Decorate the tank with sturdy plants, and be aware that you may need to replace them from time to time.
Puffer fish are so called as they have the ability to inflate their elastic stomachs with water or air.
I was wondering as i just set my new tank up for figure 8 puffers which i get in 10-14 days.
Instead, they must be fed on meaty and hard-shelled foods such as clams, crayfish, crickets, daphnia, krill, oysters, plankton, scallops, snails, shrimp, and worms. This puffer is one of the most colorful among puffer species. I have a 30g tank that was setup two weeks ago.
In nature, they typically eat crustaceans and mollusks. Filtering must be robust, as figure 8 … My LFS had the puffers in freshwater aquariums with just a mild amount of aquarium salt in them.
Horseface Loach (Horsehead Loach) Fish Species Profile Puffers are highly active and curious fish. If you have the fish in a single species tank and they do poison the water, you lose the puffers but nobody else dies. Puffers appreciate a complex layout of decor to explore, as well as ample swimming room. This unusual arrangement of teeth gives it the ability to crush hard materials such as the shells of crustaceans. From what I read, spotted puffers grow to be a lot bigger and more aggressive than figure eights.I agree with you on keeping gsp and fep in the same tank. Little is known about how to breed figure 8 puffers. Every puffer has their own temperment.
This is how I prepared the brackish aquarium for the new puffer.Figure 8 and green spotted puffers start spend a great deal of their natural lives in freshwater and many fish stores sell them as a freshwater fish. I used to go to the LFS and they would give me the snails for free from their planted tanks.I advice against keeping spotted puffers and figure eight puffers together. Reaching an adult size of fewer than three inches, Figure 8 puffers are small for pufferfish. I now have two baby figure puffers, a albino shark, a algae eater and 4 glo fish they all get along happly. u will need a salt meter or what ever its called cause they are brackish water fish and u will need some advise at your local pet store on that, cause i cant answer that. !Generally puffer fish should be kept in a single species tank because they will eat anything and regularly attack and eat the other fish in the tank. Max Age: 15+ years Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Best Tank Size: 90+ gallons. Or, more accurately, they live pretty much everywherepretty much everywhere It keeps its beautiful marking into adulthood.
Figure 8 puffer Eight-Puffer Eyespot puffer. Size: 4 ½” to 6″ depending on species Required Aquarium: 10 gallons Diet: Any Care Level: Beginner Most people don’t realize that the humble Molly is actually a brackish fish. Figure 8 Puffer Size sold: .5 in. Figure 8 Puffer Size sold: .5 in. Aquarium Size : 15 Gallons recommended, 10 gallons more for each additional figure 8 puffer. The hard shell of the snails helps to keep their beak trimmed down. Because the nutcracker-like beak of the figure 8 puffer can become overgrown, it is important to include plenty of very hard-shelled foods in their diet to keep the teeth ground down. Get it free when you sign up for the Spruce Pets! Generally puffer fish should be kept in a single species tank because they will eat anything and regularly attack and eat the other fish in the tank. Although live foods are ideal, some owners have had success training their puffer to eat some frozen foods.
If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more great content just like it.I am new to keeping puffers. You must log in or register to reply here. It is one of the most colorful of the puffer species, keeping its beautiful markings into adulthood. Contests including the JavaScript is disabled. What temp should i set the? Yellow spots and lines are sprinkled throughout the body. The figure eights ate a big part of the green spotted puffer and i had to put it down. My puffers were really placid and prone to being bullied themselves rather than the other way around. Unlike most fish, Figure 8 puffers are able to recognize and respond to their owners, but they can also get bored and listless. If you notice your puffer having trouble eating you can trim their teeth using the process seen is this video:That’s what I have learned so far about keeping a figure 8 or green spotted puffer fish.
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