The first one was Reinaldo Flores, from whom there are no records of a child. The last child of Reinaldo and Ana was Víctor Flores, from whom there is known child.The next child of Juan José Flores and Mercedes Jijón was Matilde Flores, who married Federico Hurtado. The next child of Juan Flores and Mercedes Jijón was Reinaldo Flores who got married to Ana Caamaño and they had several children. The last child of Matilde and Federico was Carmen Hurtado, who didn’t have offspring.The next daughter of the first President of Ecuador on this list, was Virginia Flores who married Pedro Pablo García and they had one son and three daughters. He was born in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela on June 19, 1799, and his parents were Juan José Aramburu from Spain and Rita Flores from Venezuela. In its origin, it is a patronymic of the Visigothic given name Fruela or Froila. One of the lines of Flores with a high detailed record is the one of the General Juan José Flores, who was President of Ecuador on several occasions, his first period was from September 22, 1830 until September 10, 1834, his second period from January 31, 1839 until January 15, 1843 and April 1, 1843- March 6, 1845. In Spain, the surname Flores is first found in the Kingdom of Asturias, where the Visigothic royal court took refuge after the Muslim Invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in 711. Find out the exact history of your family!Years after the Visigoth’s conquest, these were driven out the Iberian Peninsula by the invasion of the Muslims, and their court had to run away and hide in Asturias. Finally, he got married again to Blanca Lucrecia Dolores Tobar and they had one child, Juan José Bolívar Flores. Leonardo and Francisca had two children, Leonardo Stagg and Fanny Stagg and from this branch, it would start a long line of the Stagg family.Mercedes Flores was the next daughter of Juan José Flores and Mercedes Jijón and she got married to Antonio Fernández Salvador. The first one was Lucía Flores who was born in 1884, Raimundo Flores in 1886, Antonio Flores in 1888, there are not record of children of these three. Facilities include Family Rooms and Free Wifi. The second son was Luis Alberto Flores, who got married to Josefina Aschieri and their children were Ana Luisa Flores, Leonor Flores, and Luis Alberto Flores. Search 1,894 then share your genealogy and compare DNA to grow an accurate global family tree that's free forever.
Look below, pick your products, then just place your order and we'll be happy to get started. The third child of Juan José Flores and Mercedes Jijón was Federico Flores, of whom there are not records of any offspring.The next son of Juan and Mercedes was Antonio Flores who was born in 1833 and also became President of Ecuador. The children of Bernabé and Ana Luisa were Ana Luisa Larraín, Raimundo Pedro Larrain, who was born in 1881, María Ana Larraín, who was born in 1882, María de la Luz Larraín who was born in 1883, Paz Larraín who was born in 1885, Rodolfo Bernardo Juan Francisco Larraín who was born in 1886, Pedro Pablo Eulogio Francisco Javier Larraín, born in 1887, Juan Evangelista Jorge Isidoro de Los Sagrados Corazones Larraín, born in 1889, Virginia Larraín born in 1890, José de la Inmaculada Concepción Larraín born in 1891, María Pelagia Larraín who was born in 1893, Consuelo Larraín born in 1895, José Jaime Dionisio Larraín born in 1896 and Sergio Larraín born in 1898.The last two children of Juan José Flores and Mercedes Jijón were two daughters Josefina Flores and Isabel Flores, both of them didn’t have children.In the 17th century, the arrival of Flores continued with John Flores, who arrived in Virginia, United States in 1622 and M De La Flores who arrived in LA in 1626.
Notables. The next child of Timoleón and Mercedes was Mercedes Flores who was born in 1892 and married Arturo Zaldumbide on February of 1916. English: Azure with five fleur de lys or 2 1 and 2 a bordure argent charged with eight ermine tails sable.© 2020 Copyright Joy Empire Inc. | All rights reservedBuy a digital Coat of Arms in high quality. In cinema, she specialized in playing fiery, dark-eyed gypsies. 10 août 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Affiches d'art" de Nana sur Pinterest.
We can use both the Flores coat of arms and surname history on all of our products. He married Leonor Ruiz de Apodaca and their children were Leonor Flores and Elvira Flores, who became the Viscountess of Villebrune.The fifth child of Juan José Flores and Mercedes Jijón was Timoleón Flores who was born in 1839 and became a Colonel in the army. The Flores family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Affiches d'art, Fond d'écran téléphone, Art. The son was Rodolfo García Moreno, the first daughter was Ana Luisa García Moreno who married José Luis Bernabé Raimundo Larraín.
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