B. BibTeX Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.
Zotero Shine, R. (1980). Nowadays, whilst the use of the term brooding is still limited to egg-laying animals (the equivalent in eutherian mammals being “gestation”) and parental care behaviors carried out whilst in physical contact with the offspring, its definition is no longer restricted to birds nor to heat transfer (= strict incubation). Brooding definition, preoccupied with depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thoughts: a brooding frame of mind. To focus the attention on a subject persistently and moodily; worry: brooded about his future; brooded over the insult for several days. In zoology, the term “brooding” was originally specifically used to describe a parental care behavior of birds that occurs after egg laying, in which a parent, usually the female, will sit on the developing embryos, keeping them warm until hatching. The earliest form of brood was a noun, in use now for over a thousand years, which had a small range of meanings that are still more or less current (“the young of an animal” or "the children of a family”). Below are some examples across the animal kingdom.Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertipsGreven, H. (2011).
These behaviors may be performed by the mother, the father, or by both parents.
In D. D. Norris & K. H. Lopez (Eds. Insurance reproductive value and facultative brood reduction. Male pregnancy in seahorses and pipefish: Beyond the mammalian model. Sympatric speciation as a consequence of male pregnancy in seahorses. Poultry farming has become popular because it is comparatively easy to start and maintain. EndNote
Parental investment and sexual selection.
Conspecific brood parasitism, where females lay eggs on other female’s nests, has been documented in several species and, in some cases, has been associated with a bias to parasitize nests of kin (i.e., genetically related females). Strictly speaking, the word brooding means “to lie upon” and has been used since the fifteenth century to describe the behavior of hens sitting on eggs.
See more. Reference Manager Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. Perhaps some mythical swashbuckling character from film or fiction …Zorro, the Lone Ranger, even Batman or Robin. Broodingly definition, preoccupied with depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thoughts: a brooding frame of mind. Perhaps the most striking thing about the list of words that people have looked up in the Collins Dictionary in July is that it no longer contains a lot of words that were being looked up earlier in the year. Papers
To sit on or …
Think of masks and what comes to mind?
All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Anticipation and rain check are among the most frequently looked-up words in July
Rothstein, S. I. Brooding behaviors include the transfer of heat; the provision of nutrients, oxygenation, and/or osmoregulation; metabolic waste removal; maintenance of optimal humidity levels; and protection from predators to the developing offspring. In B. Campbell (Ed. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
This service is more advanced with JavaScript availableA form of parental care behavior that occurs in egg-laying animals, during which a parent retains eggs within or near the body and provides heat, nutrients, oxygenation, and/or osmoregulation, as well as protection from predators to the developing embryos and hatched young.The definition of brooding, like that of many other terms in zoology, has evolved over the years to broaden its applicability to a wider range of taxa.
At least in birds, egg laying promotes the secretion of several hormones and neurotransmitters that mediate behavioral and physiological changes that prepare the parent for brooding. Stölting, K. N., & Wilson, A. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android.
A model system for coevolution: Avian brood parasitism. RefWorks * {{quote-news, year=2009, date=June 22, author=Jon Caramanica, title=Once-Dreamy Indie Rockers, Masking Hurt With High-Gloss Sheen, work=New York Times citation, passage=The lyrics are different: gone are the dreamy, un-self-conscious proclamations of affection from the EP (which was reissued with additional tracks), replaced with … And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. One chicken went back to the nest that night, but I just played the video … These changes, together termed The importance of parental care to animal evolution can hardly be overstated.
She kissed him and gazed into his dark, brooding eyes. Noun ()A spell of brooding; the time when someone broods.
IMMEDIATE reaction from the hens that were brooding, and had been brooding for WEEKS despite my efforts to break them.
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