Phillip Orchard is an analyst at Geopolitical Futures.
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There are also adequate loopholes in the legislation systems in the region considering there is a policy gap in understanding the difference in trade volumes of both legal and illegal trade brackets. While the Indonesian government is improving the enforcement of the wildlife trade ban and while seizures of illegally trafficked animals are increasing, better monitoring and research of existing threatened species populations will help ensure better protection of Indonesia’s wildlife and hence impact the global network of illicit wildlife trade.
Lastly, the essays in the book maintain their principal strength in historical analysis. The ‘String of Pearls’ has gained lot of academic mileage in the international discourse related to the Indian Ocean security. Abandoning Deng Xiaoping’s “hide your strength and bide your time” dictum, Xi has asserted Chinese interests more forcefully. In a dramatic change, 52% of respondents viewed China as the region’s most influential political and strategic actor, in contrast to only 26% for the United States. Auslin here also fails to consider whether North Korea’s conventional weapons would remain a regional threat in the event of denuclearization.“Japan’s Eightfold Fence” perhaps serves as the most admirably interdisciplinary essay in the book, addressing Japan’s cultural foundations through a lens of historiography founded on modernization theory, integrating these approaches with a broad discussion of how Japanese national identity inflects contemporary Japanese internal politics. The surveillance sorties have started in January 2020 and likely to continue in regular intervals along with France. Except for Cambodia, where Prime Minister Hun Sen has used the … And for several years now, Indiana University has been dedicated to expanding its longstanding engagement in Southeast Asia and with … Prior to joining the company, Mr. Orchard spent nearly six years at Stratfor, working as an editor and writing about East Asian geopolitics. However, with hectares of land being destroyed the new landscape is prone to deforestation and hence endangers wildlife. Presently, Kuala Lumpur is Moscow’s important economic and political partner in ASEAN and its regional structures.Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia amid the rising tide of secessionism in the regionDistinguished Experts Call for Strengthening India-Vietnam Public DiplomacyDiscourses and Reality of New Great Game: Particularly focus on KazakhstanUS hegemony in crisis, rise of China & Middle Power CoalitionWith a recent purge by American social media giant Facebook on advertisements for the illicit sale of animals in Yangon, Myanmar, the discourse around such trade has resurfaced. Therefore, the growing cooperation between Washington and Singapore is directly proportional to the slowdown in the US’ cooperation with Manila. The essay also leads in perfectly to the one that immediately follows it, “China Versus Japan”, which details the lengthy history behind (and projected long-term continuation of) the Sino-Japanese regional rivalry.Perhaps the most out-of-place essay in the book is “India’s Missing Women”, the only essay in the book that focuses principally on South Asia rather than Northeast Asia. No one doubts that China’s initial cover-up and slow response allowed the virus to spread. Tag: Southeast Asia. However, the Philippines’ claim to the Malaysian state of Sabah is complicating the bilateral dialogue. Daily Memo: Defense Costs in South Korea, Competition in Southeast Asia.
Apart from Australia, India has also signed a port development project with Indonesia and has agreed to developed civilian and military facilities in the Sabang port which is located at the northern tip of Aceh archipelago. By. The United States responded to China’s coercion during the pandemic with a massive show of force, deploying three aircraft carriers to the region.
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