During this time, we worked harder to refine and clarify Girl-Centred Design and pushed it to become an invaluable tool for girls.Our methodology has evolved beautifully, it has influenced organisations to reevaluate how they can effectively work with girls. h�bbd```b``�"��l'�f3i�EރH�`� ,2��V� f��gA$_:��^"��H�x�1H2�}����Hy6� �`3��Ha ��m 6���`3�m F�@�^;#�7H(3Jҕ���x�@�
zS We have partnered with leading organisations for research and design projects in: Ghana, Rwanda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Zambia, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DRC and Republic of the Congo Research. %%EOF 444 0 obj <> endobj h�b```b``�a`e`ef@ a�+�����@�d>�x�eڱ}[Kg70��AGG�Q��� �R���4H� �,H�Q�A���� GM Design … 1 Million Stories of Impact Design Kit has reached over 1 million creative problem solvers around the world. Flower Girl Dresses ... Design-minded mother-daughter duo Lynne and Tristan Knowlton fill their sunny space with simple pleasures that make the everyday feel extraordinary.
(Population Council, UN Adolescent Girls Task Force, 2012) Girls’ Success: Mentoring Guide About HIV and AIDS. ���e y�����f`(Y�� ��1� We have been able to be impactful in locations where girls are the most vulnerable, from Uganda to Bangladesh, we have taken great pride in the impact we have in the lives of the participants and girls they have helped.GirlSPARKS creates and promotes Girl-Centred Design to deliver better and safer solutions for adolescent girls. h��Zko���+�R4AKrޏb��v���8��u-!�-s-�*I���Cّ�Ė�1�09�{�̽g8QVG,R�D�k\m$���E�p\}d���c��t��ҡ ".Z8q Apr 21, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Sonyakay Howlingbuffalo. (Population Council, 2010) Girls' Leadership and Mentoring. Design Like a Girl Mentor Program. The Design Kit: Travel Pack A deck of 32 design exercises to spark creativity and collaboration.
Footer Yes! *��(�1�(�Hp�Q������H(O��H�"�Y$�D/�#�$ xI!�JFRq��*�F�@(]h��'a垪�@��� "ͥEAFZ GM's head of industrial design, Sharon Gauci (left), participates in the Girl Scouts Design Day hosted by General Motors at the GM Design Dome in February 2020. LISTEN TO HER Bringing girls into the center of program design through girl consultations and safe spaces. 474 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<741E0BE9DF0C7A4B8D2E656447F11588><15E1189C34DEEA4B9C53DB5AAAB99251>]/Index[444 95]/Info 443 0 R/Length 142/Prev 397930/Root 445 0 R/Size 539/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Leave this field empty if you’re human: Latest News. �0��N�WL�j�Yp�c�ɢ�U��x/?ؽ^H�Y~�k�S��P�0��z The program pairs girls ages 12-14 with mentors from the architecture, construction, and engineering fields, so they can learn first-hand about career from professional women. Inspiration. Discover (and save!) Now available on Amazon. Introducing the Tia Mowry x Etsy Collection . `r�p�S��4��DN+������;4^ۜ�^�����r@���1�ޒ�B3��b��(�� � %�㧟��N�_���"��e5��gm��G�.�� We have taken great pride in the work that we have done over the past few years, making changes within communities and bringing the opinions and voices of girls to the forefront. Learn how to recreate Tia Mowry-Hardrict’s peaceful, zen interiors style in your own space with these chic, limited-edition home decor finds. endstream endobj 445 0 obj <>/Metadata 9 0 R/Pages 442 0 R/StructTreeRoot 35 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 446 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 442 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 447 0 obj <>stream Girl-Centered Design: A Toolkit to Develop, Strengthen & Expand Adolescent Girl Programs. Human Centered Design - UX & UI Design. %PDF-1.5 %���� Discover our in-house research projects 2020. endstream endobj startxref Posted August 30th, 2019. The Design Like a Girl Mentor program is for young women with an interest in architecture and design. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Important changes to GirlSPARKS. Igniting the potential of marginalised and vulnerable girls through Girl-Centred Design.We have had to make a difficult decision over the last few months...GirlSPARKS will have to partially close our doors indefinitely, whilst we explore alternative options to move our organisation forward. Now available for purchase and PDF download, check out the Field Guide to Human-Centered Design and start solving problems like a designer! z�"��G�0(����yM�1����GFp�1Xd�@�1x�Jc%��#�5��*�p��8I�U�;8W`x/;�[9����x��� your own Pins on Pinterest Fintech & Agriculture. 0 (FHI 360, 2009) Girls' Success: Mentoring Guide for Life Skills. DESIGN WITH HER Tailoring the design approach to meet adolescent girls’ unique needs through learnings from previous modules. Clients.
Human Centered Design. 538 0 obj <>stream Nov 26, 2015 - Human-centered design: Building a product around the needs of girls -- they are at the heart of what and why we do what we do.
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