/// Gör nu en precis likadan igen, så att du får den andra halvan av diamanten. Except i made a very big one. Hoppas det löser sig!Note: if you are using colored paper you are going to want to start with the color facing up. Thanks for sharing!Hasta el anteultimo paso todo bien , pero hay algo que falta , no se como explicarlo , antes de pegar entre si , pregunto es un solo papel o son dos papeles que despues se pegan entre si ? I use a ruler to make sure I …
If not let me know..So,do i have to make two and glue them together or just one and glue parts of that one together? Things You'll Need. Join the ends of the lines to form a diamond shape. Take the left side and unfold it. Slide four fingers under the loose flaps and bring the corners in to the center. 1.
Lycka till!Thanks for sharing these instructions.
Det bare det sidste jeg ikke forstår. Then unfold the last four corners. Remember that the printed side will be on the inside of the box.
I looked at it for a while and finally figured it out! Try pinching the flaps in harder and see if it works; don't pinch too hard, though. It must be square or it will not fold properly. You should have a basic diamond shape right now, but there are still more steps. !If you are a beginner at folding origami it might be a bit tricky, but there are alot of other DIY’s on the blog you can try instead :)hate this project because, it’s a stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knowing how to make this folded paper game is a way to pique a child's curiosity and also to keep him occupied for several minutes. Flip the paper over, and repeat the last two steps. If you enjoyed making my paper gems then this project is definitely for you. I dont understand,halp!
I used it to make diamond decorations for our Easter tree.
Kan man se en video på hvordan man gør?
In step 14, the flaps end up going on the inside of the top of the diamond to tuck it in to the middle.
Then you put the two halves together.Jag förstår verkligen inte delen efter man klippt av toppen (den kluriga delen).
Unfortunately, you loss me,when I I was instructed to ‘Turn it 180° and fold the sides. 3D Paper Diamonds. Do you want to know how to make a basic origami diamond?
Paper Crafts : Skull Difficulty Level: Medium Faces: 238 Parts: 30 Sheets: 3 Squirrel Models : 12,8 cm height, 12 cm wide, 15,9 cm deep If you need another size, write to me. This article has been viewed 117,324 times. Creating a diamond shape out of cardboard also makes great practice for more intricate cardboard shapes and designs and can help boost your confidence in creating props and decorations. Unfold and fold it the other way. If you follow these steps correctly, then you will have an origami diamond neat and correctly folded! Har siddet i 1 time nu og bakset rundt med den uden held. I’m thinking it would be nice to make some as tree ornaments for next Christmas.I love these paper diamonds! Kan vika den vänstra sidan som på bilderna, men den högra så skiter det sig och allt blir fel :/ Vet inte hur jag ska göra, försökt flera gånger. Fold one corner and place the tip right in the center of the paper, now marked by the previous folds. It's your choice, but making good creases will improve the quality of your finished work. Put some glue on the corner parts you just folded and gently press half the diamond to the other half.
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