These programs were created to be at the same level of most first year university courses. My kids love the school and they enjoy going to it! the teachers are so caring about the students , they give each child individual attention . I couldn't be more at ease having my daughter spend the day there.
If you believe that peers are important and they can challenge each other so to bring out the best of a child, it's probably not the case in here. My daughter was behind in reading, but her teacher has been happy to help me work with her to get her caught up. The class is full of students of all different levels of competence. There are a total of 443 students and 18 teachers at John Muir Elementary, for a student to teacher ratio of 25 to 1. which is 119% higher than the California average. Advanced placement (AP) is a program that offers high school students the ability to take college level courses and exams.
6560 Hanover Dr., San Jose CA, 95129 | Cupertino Union | 408-252-5265
John Muir Elementary School in San Jose, California serves 358 students in grades Kindergarten-5. She lacks compassion and intervention skills. John Muir Elementary School - find test scores, ratings, reviews, and 31 nearby homes for sale at John Muir Elementary is a school servicing grades KG to 5 and is located in the district of "Cupertino Union" in San Jose, CA. Mrs Salas (5th grade teacher) provides an educationally challenging but fun environment which distracts the pressure of a challenging academic environment to a fun class to learn in all year long! John Muir Elementary School is a public elementary school in San Jose. Browse popular neighborhoods, cities and ZIP codes around John Muir Elementary School Love it!this is one of the best elementary schools in the cupertino and santa clara districts. It should be rated higher IMHO.I just moved here to portage 2months ago and my son started out Ok the teachers are Ok but they can work on the discrimination among the kids a lot better than its been because it make my kid not like coming to school and I don't like it because we are here to stay but once they work on that little situation I mention I would rate the school a B+ from my rating sincerely yours parentAmazing teachers & staff over the past 3 years 2010-2013. 400 students go to John Muir Elementary School, and the ratio of students to teachers is 23:1. "John Muir is such a wonderful place for my kids. John Muir Elementary San Jose, CA 95129 School Profile with School Boundaries Map. John Muir Elementary is a school servicing grades KG to 5 and is located in the district of "Cupertino Union" in San Jose, CA. The proficiency in math and languages tables represent the percentage of students that scored at or above the proficiency level on their standardized state assessment tests.
I highly recommend this wonderful school.
John Muir Middle School is a public elementary school located in San Jose, CA in the San Jose Unified School District. We see more fliers back home for donations, but not consideration and cares to kids. Not only they have the loving nourishing staff, but a very strong academic. What a wonderful place John Muir is. Mrs Chu (3rd grade) teacher has a lot of experience & provides a warm & caring environment that is conducive to students learning at their own pace. Links to the school district, parents reviews, school test scors and enrollment characteristics from the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) are included. keep it up john muir. There are a total of 9 free lunch students and 3 reduced lunch students.
!We relocated back to the US this year and realized that there are probably 98% Asian in John Muir.
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