It is also fun to go across the lake and ascend the terraces. It is also fun to go across the lake and ascend the terraces. Follow this dirt road past the Takhini River Campground to the Kusawa Lake Campground. Kujo Ridge Distance: 6 km Elevation Gain: 529 m (1736 ft) Time: 2.5 hours Difficulty: Moderate A varied and beautiful trail up into the alpine with gorgeous views of Kusawa Lake and the surrounding mountains. Second half is more rooted and narrow but it’s a great, shaded trail for a nice easy hike. The Petrified Trees of Specimen Ridge is a separate, unmaintained and unmarked route.
Route finding until you find the path up the ridge. Beautiful views all the way to the top! Kusawa Ridge trail: From the summit you are rewarded with a panormatic view of Kusawa Lake and the surrounding area. No bear spotted on the trail, although the day before we did see a grizzly and her cubs near by. 【日程】2018年5月9日(水)〜11日(金) 【天気】晴れ 【コース】Kusawa Ridge Trail Head〜Kusawa Ridge 中腹にてテント泊 【エリア】カナダ ユーコン準州 13:45 昨日も登ったKusawa Ridgeに今日もまた。笑 今日はトレーニングも兼ねて、テン泊装備で登ります。 相方さんはお決まりの110ℓザックにカメラ … Turn off your ad blocker to see a map of this trailValerie Lake via Copper Trail to McLean Lake Trailhead This trail is south of the well-known Kusawa Ridge Trail, and provides a different perspective of the area.
We could always hike the Kusawa ridge again, and look for sheep and pink spring flowers, but I had already been up twice this year. We decided to drive towards some blue sky to our southwest.We could always hike the Kusawa ridge again, and look for sheep and pink spring flowers, but I had already been up twice this year. After lunch we reached the flat top, a beautiful open expanse dotted with snow and ice.I have been on several day hikes this spring, and spring was very marginal this year. The path can be braided and hard to follow at times, so just keep heading towards the base of the ridge. Winter just didn't want to let go.On the day of my last hike there were flurries and cool temperatures forecast everywhere in the territory. They know the best spots on a mountain to lay down.After lunch we reached the flat top, a beautiful open expanse dotted with snow and ice. We followed the AllTrails map to get back on track. This is an especially beautiful hike in the fall and there are many opportunities from the viewpoint to continue farther into the alpine up any of the rocky ridges or towards Jo Jo Lake.Drive about 65 km north of Whitehorse on the Alaska Highway until you reach signs indicating Kusawa Lake campground on the left side of the highway. To get the whole picture, we start out with a hike up a ridge, overlooking Kusawa lake and the Takhini valley.. 10 days ago. Can be windy but wasnt the case this time. Trail is unmarked and there are many nearby that could take you off track. Snow free May 2020. 6 days ago. )Once we were on the trail the sun stayed with us all day. With the backdrop of Kusawa Lake and the Coastal Mountain Ranges, the scenerie is just amazing. Toward the top of the ridge, at approximately the two o’clock position, you will see a cliff outcrop that contains the petrified trees. From the summit you are rewarded with a panormatic view of Kusawa Lake and the surrounding area. We had the great fortune of seeing Golden Plovers. A worn trail is visible on the ridge. All the paths eventually lead to the same place just keep aiming at the ridge. Kujo Ridge trail: A varied and beautiful trail up into the alpine with gorgeous views of Kusawa Lake and the surrounding mountains. Once you start heading straight up the mountain you are climbing up large rocks so a trail isn’t very visible ( some stone markers in a few spots). First section is a lot of bush and fallen trees. Then you will leave the creek and follow a path through the trees towards the base of the ridge. If you reach a distinct very rough section of rockfall on the road, you're almost there--just go a few hundred metres more to the final road segment. Sheep and White-Tailed Ptarmigan can often be seen on the surrounding ridges.Drive about 65 km north of Whitehorse on the Alaska Highway until you reach signs indicating Kusawa Lake Campground on the left side of the road.
Note this creek is the same creek you follow for the Looking at the view of Kusawa Ridge across the creek.Taking a quick break to enjoy the views down Kusawa Lake.Once in the open alpine you can enjoy the views of the surrounding mountains and Kusawa Lake.Continuing further into the alpine, there are some small rocky peaks that you can explore.Approaching the small alpine lake on the plateau near Jo Jo Lake. Here there will be some way paths leading to views over the ridge. Glenda on Ibex Ridge Add us to the list of people that had trouble finding the trailhead! I can’t find the post anymore and am wondering if Kusawa Ridge … Route finding until you find the path up the ridge. At home afterwards, looking at photos, I concluded it was probably an Arctic ground squirrel.And what happens when you hike with gold miners? The trail starts on top of a boulder wall (8V 436009 6716484) and runs along the ridge. Route finding until you find the path up the ridge. Follow the pink trail marker at the trailhead to the left, then follow the creek until you see the trail veer off up the ridge. Second half is more rooted and narrow but it’s a great, shaded trail for a nice easy hike.
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