Lava Eel Roe sells for a high price. "Discuss your unrealistic expectations on Discord! The Lava Eel is a fish that can be found in the Mines on the 100th floor during all seasons.
It can somehow survive in pools of redhot lava. All Rights Reserved. This will allow you to start a 'Fish Quest' for a specific set of items. Fish ponds may produce items in the chum bucket daily.
You can take Magma Geodes to … Since the base price for a Lava Eel is 700g, the price of Lava Eel Roe is roughly 380g.
You can place the fish you catch from around the valley in these ponds and receive, not just more fish, but a variety of products, including Roe and even Magma Geodes.If you want to build a fish pond on your farm in Stardew Valley, you must first collect 200 Stone, 5 Seaweed, 5 Green Algae and 5,000g.Stone can be easily collected by breaking stones on your farm, in The Mines or in Skull Cavern.Seaweed can be found by fishing in the ocean during any season or in the tidal pools on The Beach. This will automatically turn the sign into a fish counter for that specific pond.Now that you have a working fish pond, you can harvest the fish one at a time by using your fishing rod on the pond. The only exception to this are Tiger Trouts, which cannot reproduce.The majority of fish will allow you to place three of their number into a pond, before needing to raise the capacity. These pools can only be reached once you fix the broken bridge on The Beach with 300 pieces of wood.Green Algae can be found by fishing from any fishing spot, except for the pond on the Standard Farm, during any season. It is the only fish that may be caught on the 100th floor of the Mines and spawns rarely. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. Because it so regularly gives out double roe, its income tends to overcome the income that you can get from the Lava Eel pond. Never miss a thing. If they are not collected, they will be replaced with new items the next day. Emptying a pond also resets it so that it may be repopulated with any allowed type of fish and returns it to its initial capacity. Each pond holds only one type of fish at a time. "Comments for this article are now closed. The pond retains its capacity and still can accommodate only the type of fish that were harvested from it. The game code processes the chance for items from top to bottom as listed in the Note also that uncollected items in chum buckets do not persist. The chance that a Fish Pond will produce an item starts with the equation The table below shows all possible Fish Pond products, along with the percent chance the item will appear, assuming the pond passes the check for producing Note that each percent chance is specified in an underlying data file, so the totals for each pond do not add up to 100%.
From doing this you can receive a variety of resources, including Iridium Ore, and geode minerals, which you can sell for a good amount of money.Below you'll find the various items that fish might require when it's time to increase the capacity of their pond, along with the population level required for these quests to appear.These quests will appear every one to four days, until you reach the max capacity for that specific fish pond.Only Coral and Sea Urchins are exempt from this and will simply reach max capacity, 10 for each, by themselves.As the population of fish in your pond grows, you'll steadily unlock a variety of produce that you can find in your chum bucket. Lava Eels will also produce Magma Geodes in the chum bucket, which can make you a healthy profit.
Selecting the “empty pond” option in the fish pond menu empties the pond but any fish inside are lost.
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