Lehigh identification number (LIN) This is your 9 digit Lehigh number ( i.e., 123-45-6789) Lehigh user name and password (For example Username: abc2 or abc205) Alternate pin number (Your advisor issues this pin number) Course registration number(s) (CRN) (This number is found under the course listing.)
A student may obtain online permission from the designated college or department officer or demonstrate academic work completed elsewhere meets the prerequisites listed.
Deliver a connected experience. Plus, when you enroll in a Lehigh course, you don’t have to worry about As a current Lehigh student, you will register for summer using Banner, the same way you register for other semesters. Each course is designated a credit value of the course in terms of semester hours (“credit hours”).The course numbering system specifies which courses can be applied to the program of study as the student progresses toward the undergraduate or graduate degree. If there is doubt concerning the appropriateness of any course for the individual’s educational objectives, it is suggested that the student confer with the adviser.Whenever possible, course listings contain information indicating what requirements the course satisfies, the semester or semesters in which it is offered, and the name of the scheduled instructor or instructors.While all information herein is subject to change, the information is included to serve as a guide in the selection of appropriate courses that best fulfill the student’s academic requirements and personal goals.The symbols following course descriptions for some College of Arts and Sciences courses include:The symbols following course descriptions for some College of Engineering and Applied Science courses include:A listing of undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Lehigh University can be found in the . In some courses, material may change from what is described. View registration status, update student term data, and complete pre-registration requirements. Last Updated: Aug. 7, 2020 at 4:07 pm. Learning at Lehigh incorporates academic research and hands-on experiences, both in and outside the classroom. In general, the numbering series is as follows:Each instructional department is authorized to offer provisional courses, or those offered on a trial basis, as well as special opportunities courses.
Lehigh University is joining colleges and universities across the country changing course for the fall semester amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Academic status required for admission, where numbering does not fully describe this status, is also indicated under “prerequisites.”A student who does not have the status (e.g., sophomore standing) or the academic preparation set forth as prerequisites may request special consideration. A listing of undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Lehigh University can be found in the Courses, Programs, and Curricula section, under each departmental heading. Easily accomplish all your activities from your tablet or smartphone with our responsive interface and mobile apps.
You will register via the campus portal.
Enrolling in courses during the summer at Lehigh is a great way to get ahead in your major, add courses for a new minor, or explore an experience not available during the regular fall or spring semesters.
. In most cases, courses will have a significantly broader scope than the topics listed in the description. Join the Conversation . . Prerequisites are stated in most cases for purposes of convenience in terms of Lehigh courses. Robert Flowers Named Dean of Lehigh's College of Arts and Sciences Robert Flowers, an internationally renowed chemist who currently serves as Lehigh's deputy provost for faculty affairs, has been named the Herbert J. and Ann L. Siegel Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
. You should discuss your summer course plans with your advisor and obtain your alternate PIN for summer registration. These courses are numbered, as is appropriate, 95-98 . If a student fails to meet a prerequisite after registration for a given course, the college dean's office, Registration & Academic Services, and/or the instructor may take action to drop the student from a course with unmet prerequisites.In a few cases, co-requisites are indicated. In such instances the co-requisite course is taken in the same semester.The course descriptions are intended to guide the student in selecting appropriate courses.
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