They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. les passants translation in French - Italian Reverso dictionary, see also , examples, definition, conjugation
Passersby stopped to see us simply to learn more about our company. Translation for 'passants' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.
Civil servants are agreeable and polite. " The fact is that the effect reflects itself in his ability to take the fact as it is The passing by passers-by, I spend my time watching them thinking Translation of 'Les passants' by Zaz from French to English (Version #2) Les passantes - Video Lyrics Translation Click here to go to the full list of my selection of Brassens songs - In alphabetical order This song is ranked among the best-loved songs of Georges Brassens [DIGITALLY-INSPIRED] A glass house is invaded by giant spiders in this 3D video mapping. The source lyrics have been updated. Their past uncovers itself along their steps, regardless ofMe, suspicious, on the lookout, perceiving Pan's game
[DIGITALLY-INSPIRED] Une maison en verre est infestée d'araignées géantes dans ce mapping vidéo 3D. Les passants - une mère plébéienne, un adolescent qui trébuche, un couple de bourgeois - s'écartent pour laisser place à la manoeuvre. Bloqué ici depuis des vies, je vole des bribes d'existence aux passants qui défilent. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Puis viennent les fidèles, environ 300 personnes. Gliding, shaking, merging and uncontrollably attracting one anotherThe source lyrics have been updated. The fact is that the effect reflects itself in his ability to take the fact as it is Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. « Ma mère distribue souvent des tartes aux passants. : When they see me working on the stencil portraits, passers-by are surprised, of course.
© 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.These examples may contain rude words based on your search.These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Zaz lyrics with translations: Je veux, Qué vendrá, L'oiseau, Demain c'est toi, La pluie, Si … From one state to another, I unrelentingly vacillate : Lorsque je réalise les portraits au pochoir, cela surprend bien sûr les passants. Translation of 'Les passants' by Zaz from French to English. Then came the faithful, around 300 people. About those things in me I have to change, keeping me from be free Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Les fonctionnaires sont aimables et polis.
: My mother often gives pies to passers-by. Their faces, like masks, give me the loathsome feeling Les passants arrêtaient nous voir simplement pour en savoir plus sur notre entreprise.
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