Found 2 sentences matching phrase "abalone".Found in 1 ms. Human translations with examples: abalone. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. IPA : [abalone] Rhymes: -ne, -e; Noun . Abalone, (dari Sepanyol Abulón), adalah siput laut bersaiz sederhana sehingga ke sangat besar yang boleh dimakan, moluska laut gastropod dalam famili Haliotidae dan genus Haliotis. Malay Alternative forms . It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites.We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our Last Update: Easily find the right translation for Abalone from English to Malay submitted and enhanced by our users. From English abalone, from American Spanish abulón, from an indigenous language of the Monterey Bay area such as Rumsen (Southern Ohlone aūlun (“ red abalone ”) Pronunciation . By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.Saya mahu bubur kerang, dengan akar panggang gunung teh hijau.Saya dah carikan ketua tukang masak di Sydney untuk buatkan sup Scientists are researching the shock-absorbing properties of Aku punya abaIone dan ginseng sup untuk anda dan isteri anda.And other researchers are probing the shock-absorbing properties of shells, with the intention of making lighter, stronger body armor.Para penyelidik lain pula sedang mengkaji cangkerang yang mampu menyerap kejutan dengan tujuan membuat perisai badan abalone translation in English-Malay dictionary. Web. ]Lesley Brown (editor), The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 5th edition (Oxford University Press, 2003 [1933], ISBN 978-0-19-860575-7), page 1 [Mid 19 th century. ابالوني Etymology . An edible univalve mollusc of the genus Haliotis, having a shell lined with mother-of-pearl. Would you like to know how to translate abalone to Malay? abalon { noun } edible univalve mollusc (US, Australian) An edible univalve mollusc of the genus Haliotis, having a shell lined with mother-of-pearl. abalone in Malay translation and definition "abalone", English-Malay Dictionary online. This page provides all possible translations of the word abalone in the Malay language. Usage Frequency: 12 We use cookies to enhance your experience.
MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Le cœur Aballonien prend forme à Metz ! Abalone France, le coeur en canette s'installe à Metz ! IPA: /æbəˈləʊni/; Type: noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit ; Showing page 1.
How to say Abalone in Malay. Flash Sécurité : Travail sous forte chaleur La chaleur sur le lieu de travail, un paramètre à ne pas négliger ! ABALONE. abalone, ابالوني Malay; Discuss this abalone English translation with the community: Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style:MLA Chicago APA "abalone." ABALONE est avant tout une entreprise éthique et durable. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Saya dah carikan ketua tukang masak di Sydney untuk buatkan sup (US, Australian) An edible univalve mollusc of the genus any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interiorCookies help us deliver our services. Flash Sécurité : Droit alerte et droit de retrait La crise sanitaire qui n'empêche pas la question de nos droits au travail ! abalone . abalone translation in Malay-Azerbaijani dictionary. Cette préoccupation est mise en avant et constitue également un élément fédérateur au sein des agences et un signe distinctif de la marque ABALONE. Contextual translation of "abalone" into Malay. abalone (Jawi spelling ابالوني, plural abalone-abalone) STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Le groupe se soucie depuis de nombreuses années des préoccupations environnementales.
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