This area known as the "Particularly in the highest levels of competition (professional and major college), a play may call for the receiver to 'read' the defensive coverage against him, and run a second route if the first option would be ineffectual. In order to accomplish this goal, coaches and players plan and execute plays – based on a variety of factors: The players involved, the opponent's defensive strategy, the amount of time remaining before halftime or the end of the game, and the number of points needed to win the game. By far the most common alignments are four down linemen and three linebackers (a "4–3" defense), or three down linemen and four linebackers ("3–4"), but other formations such as five linemen and two linebackers ("5–2"), or three linemen, three linebackers, and five defensive backs ("3–3–5") are also used by a number of teams. Thus it is strategically important for kicking teams to get as close to the ball as possible after a punt, so that they may quickly tackle a returner, down the ball as close to the opposing team's end zone as possible, and (if possible) recover the ball after a fumble and regain possession of the ball. This is often a short yardage play designed when only a yard or so is needed for a first down or a touchdown. Before the ball is snapped the offensive team lines up in a formation. The running back continues to move upfield as if he has the ball in his hands. An option play is a play in which the quarterback holds the ball and runs to either side of the offensive line, waiting for an opportunity to run upfield and advance the ball. Zone defenses tend to produce interceptions of passes or outstanding collisions with receivers after they have made pass receptions. Perhaps the most obvious and tangible result of a successful pass rush is the Stunts are a special means of rushing the quarterback done to confuse the opposing team's offensive line. Teams often have "special formations" that they only use in obvious passing situations, short yardage, goal line situations, or formations they have developed for that particular game just to confuse the defense. When one of the linemen or linebackers is removed and an additional defensive back is added, common alignments of these five defensive back packages are the "nickel" package, which includes 3 CB, 1 SS, and 1 FS, and the "3–3–5," which is a nickel package variant that includes either 2 CB, 2 SS, and 1 FS, or 3 CB, 1 SS, and 1 FS like the standard nickel package.As with offensive formations, there are many combinations that can be used to set up a defense. The quarterback takes the snap and drops back to fake a handoff to the running back. There are two general schemes for defending against the pass: Any player on the defense is allowed to rush the quarterback, and many schemes have been developed over 50 years that involve complicated or unusual blitz "packages". This naming rule does not always apply when the personnel for a certain formation are lined up in a way that changes the function of the players in the defense. However, run plays are used to tire the defensive linemen in between passing plays in order to protect the QB from sacks. Offensive strategy. Whereas precision and timing are among the most important parts of offensive strategy, defensive strategies often emphasize aggressiveness and the ability to react to plays as they develop. Nevertheless, there are many defensive strategies that have been developed over the years that coaches use as a framework for their general defense, making specific adjustments depending on the capabilities of their players and the opponent they are facing.
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