Wizard 3/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 10 has as many spells as a Wizard 13 and a Cleric 13, but he still probably can only cast one or two spells a round. As a result of this the Mystic Theurge is considered to be a Buff Monkey, a 100% support class for the rest of the party, because you're usually relegated to the low-tier buff spells that have, as I said above "But the Mystic Theurge's caster level is always three levels lower than your character level, those ongoing effects won't last as long. guess im gonna use cheat engine to bump exp the hell up and learn all I can about prestige classes
Pathfinder Is mystic theurge any good? The SLA ruling hurt the class a lot, it being the only way to cheese it with early access. They seek magic in all of its forms, finding no reason or logic in denying themselves instruction by limiting their knowledge to one stifling paradigm, though many are simply hungry for limitless power. Generally you want to start with 16 or better in each of your spellcasting abilities, and put whatever you have left into Dexterity and Constitution.Your choice of race depends entirely on your base casting classes. However, this comes with its own problem: By splitting your focus you'll fall behind on both caster level and spell DC. Personally I prefer to stick to prepared classes because you can start Mystic Theurge at level 7, but there are some excellent reasons to wait until 8th or 9th level.While you can qualify for Mystic Theurge using partial spellcasters like Bard and Magus, I do not recommend doing so. Meanwhile, a Wizard 15 just got his 8th level spells on line compared to the first's 7th level spells. It's actually very, very strong.And why is that? Build Idea: Ecclesitheurge 6 Empyral Sorcerer 4 Mystic Theurge 10 Tristian's a good healer, but I feel like he's one of the offensively weakest members on the party. 2017-01-19, 09:14 PM. The Mystic Theurge is a prestige class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Mystic Theurge is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. This ability cannot be used to cast a spell at a lower level if that spell exists on both spell lists. Which is what you'll be using until at least level 9.You can also take advantage of the Magical Knack trait to increase your CL in one of your classes, and if your DM is willing to approve it, maybe you'll be able to take it for both classes. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. At 6th level when you are a cleric 3 / wizard 3 that is a lot, but when you have 6th level spells and wizard has 7th level spells, it actually becomes a lot less significant.I honestly think a lot of the mentality about mystic theurge, and casters in general, comes from 3.5. Requirements are 3 ranks in arcana and religion, and ability to cast 2nd level arcane and 2nd level divine. Skills are secondary to the class's function, and I fully believe that you are capable of sorting out your skill ranks based on what you know of your base classes.Stop. Pathfinder's list of base classes is dizzyingly long, so you have a lot of options.Combined Spells has some interesting interactions for combining spontaneous and prepared spellcasting, but beyond that the only significant difference is how quickly you can get into Mystic Theurge levels. You've probably heard that the Mystic Theurge sucks, that it's a weak class, that you're going to be hurting yourself by progressing your spells slower than a single-progression focused caster. A Short Guide to Optimizing a Mystic Theurge. You've probably heard that the Mystic Theurge sucks, that it's a weak class, that you're going to be hurting yourself by progressing your spells slower than a single-progression focused caster. Reply. Also note that many colored items are also links to the Paizo SRD.The Mystic Theurge is a popular concept which followed Pathfinder out of 3rd edition. If you find a race that works for at least one of your base classes, you've found a good race.Mystic Theurge is among the only builds where I recommend the Human variant racial trait which gives you two flexible +2 ability score increases. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. They do not gain the bonus spell-slot for school specialization, nor do they gain any spells known (although spontaneous character do gain spells-known I believe). Together with Octavia, they cause the party to stop for camp way more times than should be necessary.
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