Claudia takes the book and time machine to H.G. Claudia hugs her and compliments her hair. He didn't want to worry her but the cancer is spreading. I don't believe it was ever mentioned who Peter's mother was, or Helge's wife. It is at this point that Jonas formulates his plan to go back and change things in the past, to break the cycle (a plan we see him enact throughout Season 1 that ends in failure). She tells Adam she lied to him, and to Eva, but the knot had to stay intact, with both worlds having same events happening at different times or places. He tells Claudia she has no heart. Her assistant comes in to remind her that the French delegation is waiting for their meeting, but Claudia tells her to reschedule and leaves. Claudia goes to visit Bernd Doppler at his palatial home and says she has checked the data and found it to be normal, so what really happened to cause the incident at the power plant?
Claudia is shocked and does not know what to say. They are later joined by young Noah. Tannhaus is confused and has more questions to ask. Adam asks if the conversation they are having has happened before, and Claudia tells him he has tried to kill the Origin many times, but that was the first time they had ever had that conversation. Claudia talks to her other self, and the younger version tells old Claudia to tell Egon she is sorry for what she had to do. Claudia then reports that Sic Mundus is preparing for the next cycle, which will begin in four days. Ulla Schmidt was the lover of Helge Doppler and mother of Peter Doppler. The older Claudia is met by Noah at the bunker, who brandishes a shotgun. Ines believes he is weird, and asks if his mother has returned. He will understand someday. Claudia looks at blueprints for the nuclear plant, where she sees the location of the God Particle and is told to follow the signal. Following this incidence, Elisabeth runs into Noah. From the Dark series, we simply know that Peter Doppler arrived in Winden after his mother died. Hannah and Katharina’s parents had nothing to do with Jonas’s bloodline, they became connected with it only when they got married.
Here is how his family tree works,Jonas Kahnwald is the son of Michael Kahnwald, (who is actually Mikkel Nielsen by blood) and Hannah Kruger. The younger Jonas leads Claudia deeper into the cave to open the portal again, telling her he has accepted that he has to be part of the very disaster he wanted to prevent, having learned much from the older Claudia. He shoves a binder across the table to her, saying he knew she would refuse to let it go; the binder contains the full results.
He grabs her tightly by the arm and tells her she must never trust him. Peter Doppler's mother?
When her plan works, Claudia looks at her hands as she begins to vanish in light, shedding a single tear. Jana gets judgemental, and Claudia says she has. Adam asks Claudia how she knows about the Origin World, and Claudia tells him she has tried to put the pieces together to understand how it works, and she realized that not everything is part of the knot. She grew into a headstrong career woman and in 1986, became the first female director of … As an old woman in 2052, in the post-apocalyptic Winden, she maintained a string wall in the bunker to keep track of Winden's inhabitants. She explains how during the apocalypse, time stands still for a fraction of a second, which Eva uses in order to send her younger self to Adam's World, and keeps the knot intact and now explains that he must use it to send Jonas on a different path.
This is when she has a brief love affair with Egon Tiedemann and gets pregnant.
He tells her to take the machine to the bunker near Helge's cabin and heads off, saying he must find Hannah and Martha. In order for this to succeed, Jonas needs to bring the cesium to the passage so the apocalypse can occur. Tannhaus.
Silja appears to be a loose thread in the story but she turns out to be as integral to the story as other characters. When she realizes that it's the day her father Egon is supposed to die, she hurriedly rushes out to see him. Due to the events in After her terrible heartbreak, Hannah Kruger decides to start a new life in the 1950s. Claudia has a teenage daughter, Regina, in whom she is obviously and openly disappointed.
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